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I Bricked my router By downgrading it from Duma OS to 1.03.6 [Warning]


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I think I Bricked my router because I have downgrade from Duma OS beta version it to 1.03.6j . It's weird because a lot of posts talk about that they haven't experienced any of what I have been experiencing. 


Now I can't access my router page .

I tried to reset my router 4 times but it doesn't work. The router page still showing 404 Not found




Don't downgrade your router version.

If you upgrade it , stick with it. Don't take unnecessary risk. 

and no I wasn't having a version lower than 1.03.6.

since the day I have bought the router. The version has always been 1.03.6 

I Downgrage my router according to http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000085792-downgrading-back-to-the-original-r1-firmware-from-dumaos

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Please just type into the url. Remove all the extra stuff after this (e.g. /desktop). It should then be ok. If cache is being a problem, then go to incognitio mode on your browser and try again please.

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