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Geofilter not showing all peers


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Geofilter is not displaying all peers.  I have several friends not showing up on the map as well as hosts to allow or deny.  Possible that this is a Blacks Ops 4 issue?  PS4.  In the old firmware it would show everybody in the chat party, normal game party etc.  on Dumaos it shows the host of the chat party and at times one other random member.
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Hello, i was having the same problem. a work around i found is to have your friend invite you to new chat party where he/her is the only one in it. once you connect to his/her chat party he will pop up. it usually disappears very quickly so keep your mouse pointer on the map so when it does pop up you can click on the symbol and add him/her. then connect back to the main chat party with everyone 

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