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Content filtering R-App

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It would be to have a dedicated "content filtering R-App".

This feature accessed by Settings > content filtering is too limited, and doesn't provide a well user experience.


Block service :

It would be nice to block services by selecting some recognised service (as show into "Network monitor" > "Application breakdown" or in Qos settings) instead of entering raw tcp/udp ports


Schedule :

It would be nice to schedule some block service by MAC addr (or better a goup of MAC addr)

The schedule should be more precise. It would be nice to schedule hours by hours.






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  • Netduma Staff

Really great suggestion, I love it. There's a couple of projects in the works that are along these lines. DumaOS is designed to be scalable and easily upgradable, so this is well within our scope.


If you have any other ideas feel free to share them :D

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