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Who do we contact for a replacement or Refund from Netgear?

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I'm tired of waiting for these promised features that never get fixed.

-VPN was advertised to work and barely does so even with the crappy HMA.

-Ports in reverse order manufacturer's defect that does not effect functionality but does hinder any resale value and frankly should be something you'd recall out of pride.

-GeoFilter hosts disappear or do not appear always

-reboots on it's own

-loses hard-wired connectivity on it's own once a day, wifi still works but hardwired devices do not.

-Daily I still see R-Apps slow to load message and sometimes R-Apps not working.


Seriously, do not say contact your place of purchase.  That ship sailed long ago waiting on your BS fixes.  I want my money back or at least a device that works 99.9% of the time without random reboots, dropped connections, and mislabeled ports. 


Class actions carry through with 40 people.  I know 5 just in my neighborhood. 



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I'm tired of waiting for these promised features that never get fixed.

-VPN was advertised to work and barely does so even with the crappy HMA.

-Ports in reverse order manufacturer's defect that does not effect functionality but does hinder any resale value and frankly should be something you'd recall out of pride.

-GeoFilter hosts disappear or do not appear always

-reboots on it's own

-loses hard-wired connectivity on it's own once a day, wifi still works but hardwired devices do not.

-Daily I still see R-Apps slow to load message and sometimes R-Apps not working.


Seriously, do not say contact your place of purchase.  That ship sailed long ago waiting on your BS fixes.  I want my money back or at least a device that works 99.9% of the time without random reboots, dropped connections, and mislabeled ports. 


Class actions carry through with 40 people.  I know 5 just in my neighborhood. 



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thats bad man. :(. so much money for broken devices. thats why i will never buy any of this routers again. i changed my netduma r1 last week because i still was in warranty. since i bought it i had only issues with it. it didnt reduce lag, it didnt improve shit. in 2 weeks i get another internet provider, if that doesnt help, im gonna sell the r1. its useless

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thats bad man. :(. so much money for broken devices. thats why i will never buy any of this routers again. i changed my netduma r1 last week because i still was in warranty. since i bought it i had only issues with it. it didnt reduce lag, it didnt improve shit. in 2 weeks i get another internet provider, if that doesnt help, im gonna sell the r1. its useless


If you have an issue make a post and we can help you.

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If you have an issue make a post and we can help you.


bro i made a lotta posts here and you guys helped me out with little issues. but i still didnt figure out why i am lagging even with the r1. i did all the stuff you guys advised me with speedtests, pingplotter etc. nothing helped for my jitter spikes issue. in 2 weeks im getting a new internet provider. i will see if it really was an issue with my line. what i read in the forums here, it got alot better for people when they changed their internet providers. i wll let u know. peace

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