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Netduma randomly resets?

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  • Netduma Staff

Can you check that the plug in the back is plugged in all the way. Can you also check to make sure the plug in the wall is plugged in properly.


It could also be an overheating issue as it says here. Make sure it isn't covered by anything and it isn't getting to warm :)


Hope that helps - hopefully it isn't a hardware fault.

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  • Netduma Staff

Yea i hope so I love my router. My ethernet cords have never done this to me before, and its plugged in all the way!

If you here a beep it means that the router has restarted so it probably isn't the ethernet cords.


Did you check the power cord and that it isn't overheating? :)

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I put the Ethernet cord into a different port on my net duma, and I double checked to make sure everything was plugged in right. The adapter cord to the net duma isnt packing heat. The net duma itself is warm but not overheating in my opinion. I will post if it restarts on its own again.

Thanks so much for your help guys. I really do appreciate it.

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  • Administrators

Hopefully its fixed, if you hear it beeping when that happens. Then its rebooting itself the most likely issue is overheating or something to do with the power adapter. Fingers crossy zombi

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