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Lag Compensation in games...

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I have had a 6mb down 1mb up ADSL line and now a 60mb down 17mb up fibre line and game play exactly the same, apart from now with the duma playing ghosts mw3 and older cods i am hitting a higher k/d.


In my book a good connection is a low ping both of my lines have had around a 15ms ping so iidentical a part from the width of the band so i can send and recieve at a larger width but my packet information gets there no matter what width it travels at.


If I throttle my 17mb upto 228k my packets will still get there and back in 15ms.


So no you are not penalized for a low latency line.


People half way round the world with a high ping to host are compansated and some times it borks because of jittery lines aas it does not seem to test in real time , this is when they hit god mode.

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