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so who has quit playing AW already?


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Ghosts was so close to perfect CoD. best engine ever to date. there was still some BS in the game, but nothing like BO2/AW. AW just doesnt even run properly on the PS4, internet or not... the internet only compounds their issues. cant say im excited for BO3 either. have to wait until 2016 for next IW release.


fwiw, i played some AW tonight for the first time in a while... still fairly broken. still could get all my killstreaks but had a load of stupid BS deaths.

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There is a YouTuber named "OvenBakedMuffin" who does in-depth, visual & technical analysis of every CoD released recently. He also confirms (with video footage) the in-engine delay between client and server, or even client and client like during Split Screen, or LAN.


i havent seen his videos in a few years... but remember him, just watched his AW assessment. he is a little generous at the end however. interesting note about how Ghosts fixed the shooting bug that plagues the other CoDs [probably why i like it more as each bullet counts instead of every 4th as he states].

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Ghosts was so close to perfect CoD. best engine ever to date. there was still some BS in the game, but nothing like BO2/AW. AW just doesnt even run properly on the PS4, internet or not... the internet only compounds their issues. cant say im excited for BO3 either. have to wait until 2016 for next IW release.


fwiw, i played some AW tonight for the first time in a while... still fairly broken. still could get all my killstreaks but had a load of stupid BS deaths.

I respect your opinion, it's weird that we have the exact opposite one! LOL... I am looking forward to BOP's 3 in a Big Way..


Ill be honest tho, nothing has my gears revving like what I hope Ubisoft's "The Division" could be.. 

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So I was playing against bots today. Internet obviously not a factor, the game still had issues. Certain parts of the map caused game to slow down. There were points where I lagged against bots!?! And looking at killcam I didn't see them yet but immediately dead but it showed me ahead of where I was when I died. Something isn't right. I know they have to put in motion prediction online but seems it happens offline as well.


This is all the proof you (people in general) need that AW is messed up, technically.


One underlying reason may be the CPU for the PS4 and XB1 is a mobile AMD laptop processor... Vs. a desktop i7.... Which means it isn't going to process things as efficiently as it should for a fast paced game like this. This may be one big reason there is so much delay on consoles vs. PC?


I own AW on PC as well, and when I play with bots, there is very little latency. The other factor may be the fps on PC are capable of going to 90fps (vs. 60fps) which means more data is being rendered and processed, too -- Which goes along with having a faster CPU to handle the increased processing. Long story short, it may be the hardware of the PS4 and XB1 contributing to the in-engine latency as well due to how under powered (relatively speaking) they are since the Q3 engine ties everything to frame rate.

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The ovenbakedmuffin video on it is quite interesting... There is LOADS of built in delay. It's readily apparent in the video. He also discusses the bullet bug that plagued all CoD except Ghosts which is why people complained about the short TTK. That is why I love that game so much is because it doesn't drive my OCD crazy as I count my bullets against hitmarkers and they are spot on in Ghosts. That's what takes precidence for me over BS like IEDs and dog killstreaks or campers, which never bothered me. People who complained the game was slow weren't running around enough. Campers were easy to eraticate from their tents.


I even got a reply from him this morning asking for more information. Need to follow up when I can get to my computer.

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The real problem is we (consumers) can't do anything about this in-engine latency.


Nothing. Nada. Zilch.


The Activision devs can fix this, but it's going to require time & money on their part which is something they just don't want to do, and... You wonder why there is so much corporate hate to go around these days?


Activision makes billions on the CoD franchise alone, not to mention other games under their banner, yet they don't want to invest some time and money to correct something that is integral to the continued success of one of their biggest franchises??? This is bad business in the long-run, but that's typical U.S. business practices vs. other countries (and I am American, so I can say this). Only focused on the short-term, quarterly gains report and not the longevity and integrity of a long running product line. To them, it's just a video game and they probably do not care about the "fast food/throwaway" culture they've perpetuated among AAA publishers and developers. Technology and tastes change, but that is no reason to skimp on quality in the present, IMO because it's the attention to detail that helps build a company's reputation which is something that can last several lifetimes.

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Well, it's been 8 years now since CoD4 modernized the FPS. It's certainly at the end of its run I'm afraid. Numbers have been seriously dwindling since MW3 and not been the same since. BO2 was a huge hurt on the franchise and it just never recovered after that, people were so unable to comprehend that ghosts actually fixed a lot of stuff, most everything. Got rid of death streaks, put forth most tweaked create a class ever, connection was spot on after they got it sorted out a month after release or so... But the damage had been done. Now it's a fraction of its salad days, Activision didn't brag about it's online numbers and even took them out of the game. They knew it had dwindled so far down with BO2. Now they are just milking it as much as they can with mDLC to stupid kids whose parents let them waste even more money on the game. So why should they fix it now? I hope a CoD killer comes out, a true one not like titanfall but one that's boots on the ground arcade shooter.

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BO2 is the most liked CoD of recent games in the last two years, and... Compared to AW and Ghosts (which I like), it's not that bad. I have to admit, I was not among the faithful when it came out, but playing more of it now... It has grown on me. Yes, it's cartoony, and the Q3 engine really shows its age with this one, but these are video games after all. They are not meant to be ultra-realistic war simulators with photo-realistic graphics. If you want that, ARMA III has you covered. The netcode is the same as AW, so with a Duma, it's pretty spot on once you get things dialed in... At least, for me.


The bigger, underlying problem is CoD is a victim of its own success.


The formula that made CoD such a hit wasn't the (then) unique things like killstreaks / scorestreaks, perks, etc. Those helped, but the real thing that made CoD grow was that it is a very easy game to pick up and play... And have immediate success with e.g. killing somebody online is very easy compared to other games. This is also its biggest downfall because it *is* so easy for anybody to pick up and play... Because it requires very little skill. All somebody has to do is just keep their weapon pointed at somebody for at least three seconds and they get a kill. This is because of the fast TTK, low recoil and weapons designed to be basically same except with different models and stats. This is why the attachments don't have any real effect on the weapons and why the ASM1 is just the same as the AMELI, for example.


The reason AW fared worse than Ghosts is people immediately saw how "dumb downed" the game is... And this is a CoD game that is already pretty simple to pick up and play!


Let's go over the things that AW did wrong:


-Terrible Map Design (too small; no power positioning despite three-lane design)

-Exo Suits (negated three-lane design)

-Weapon Variants (more chance to equal the playing field between vets and noobs)

-BO2 engine (need I say more?)

-Overpowered DLC weapons (AE4; OHM; M1 Irons)



Actually, the devs did everything Activision wanted them to do because all of these things contribute to one thing and one thing only: Lowering the skill gap, so mostly young kids can pick up the game and become addicted (fooled!) into thinking they are good at a FPS. Once they get hooked on the thrill of killing another live (virtual) person online then you roll out the mDLC, DLC and Advanced Supply Drops to feed that addiction.


If you compare BF4 and CSGO to CoD... CoD is a joke.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy CoD, but even I know what is going on behind-the-scenes.


BF4 has actual learning curves for almost every single thing you do in the game ranging from simple shooting mechanics to piloting various vehicles effectively in combat. You must learn how the helicopters work. You must learn how sniping and shooting works (actual bullet drop and recoil). You must learn how to support your squad / team on maps that are designed around team play and not solo conquest. All of these things are the exact opposite of CoD.


CSGO is actually what CoD should be on the same scale (infantry combat). It's an older game model, but it has remained popular for over 16 years because the core game play requires actual skill e.g. map strategy, managing in-game funds, etc. The only real tactic(s) CoD has is map control and that is all but gone in AW because of the Exo, and also Ghosts to some degree because the maps are too chaotic in terms of design. They resemble real places, but there are too many flanking routes which makes power positioning ineffective. Power positions are what provide strategy as well as if the game allows "out-of-the-box" thinking... Like Halo, and BF4 do with the many things available to players on the map not only including vehicles, but how the maps are designed e.g. gravity lifts, timed force field shut downs and turn ons, etc.


The irony is the Activision execs know *something* is wrong, but they don't know exactly what it is. They keep trying to make the game more simple with each successive release that they don't realize this very thing is what is killing the franchise itself. It is going to be too late once they wake up and realize gamers (of all ages) want a game with an actual skill gap that keeps them coming back for more. CoD just does not have this right now and it's why CoD is the but of jokes among other FPSes e.g. "Go play CoD if you have no skill and want easy kills"... And they're right  :(

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im about done with cod i cant take the bs deaths anymore people eating bullets and killing me instant 

 my connection in other shooter games is perfect the moment  i play cod its like i have a dial up connection screw this franchise nothing but bad net code and junky servers

i was playing the other day i ran up on a dude that wasnt looking at me and i punched him and got a hitmarker wtf and he turns and kills me i hate cod  i want this franchise to die im not hype for black ops 3 dont care for the beta prob wont buy the crap

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BO2 is the most liked game of the past two years???! well thats not very encompassing. what i meant is that back in the heydey there were 1M players online at any given time*. by the end of BO1 it had dropped to a mere 400-600k, MW3 a little less yet biggest selling CoD of all time.... then shit went SOUTH.


i dont really care for either BF4 [too big, not arcade enough] or CS:GO [too old looking and no ADS, minimal map design, i like the detail on maps just as long as you dont get stuck on stuff]. i really wasnt trying to compare to those because CoD has been unique. i would like to see a true CoD killer come out with a developer who CARES about the connection and fairness of a gun fight above all else. all the gimmicks left at the door. still keep it quick action arcade shooter with perks and killstreaks though.


* per console

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they need a new engine and better lag comp its not fair that i die to a guy skipping 

the perks are useless especially in black ops 2 flak jacket doesnt work and toughness is broke

i lose gunfights to people without toughness because of the view kick head shot

another example the loadstar when i use it and somebody has on flak jacket it takes 2 rockets to kill but whenever somebody esle has one and i have on flak jacket they take me out with one rocket i dont get it

i havent had fun playing cod since black ops 1 cod ghosts was a ok cod just because when i shoot somebody they actually died and thats how the game should be not shooting somebody 30 times and they shoot 2 bulets and melt people 

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BO2 is the most liked game of the past two years???! well thats not very encompassing. what i meant is that back in the heydey there were 1M players online at any given time*. by the end of BO1 it had dropped to a mere 400-600k, MW3 a little less yet biggest selling CoD of all time.... then shit went SOUTH.


i dont really care for either BF4 [too big, not arcade enough] or CS:GO [too old looking and no ADS, minimal map design, i like the detail on maps just as long as you dont get stuck on stuff]. i really wasnt trying to compare to those because CoD has been unique. i would like to see a true CoD killer come out with a developer who CARES about the connection and fairness of a gun fight above all else. all the gimmicks left at the door. still keep it quick action arcade shooter with perks and killstreaks though.


* per console


Have you tried Dirty Bomb?


It's a F2P game, but it's basically CoD in a lot of respects. You can ADS, it's fast-paced, looks better than CoD, and has a good connection most of the time.

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Looks a bit more like TF2 than a CoD style game. Not a fan of different players with different roles. Looking for for simple gun on gun level playing field. It's free though so will probably DL it and give it a go, looks like it has a demolition styled game mode.

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If Activision was smart (ha!), they would bring the CoD Online game (in China) to the States. This is basically what you, myself and many other CoD fans want in a MP, gun vs. gun arcade game because it takes the best parts (maps, weapons, kill / score streaks) from ALL of the preceding CoDs and makes them available to everybody online, free of charge.


Of course, Activision won't do this because then there would be no need for the yearly CoD roll outs, but this proves the concept works and we (fans) aren't the only one who want this type of model where it is just MP without all the yearly gimmicks.



Also, the reason BO2 is so loved is because if you play the game long enough (with a good connection), the TTK is fine and the weapon balance is fine compared to the last two games. Even though I like Ghosts, BO2 harks back to the more simplistic gvg arcade action the series was meant to be. You can use every weapon in BO2, and do well if you know how to use them. The same cannot be said for Ghosts and AW. Plus, the three-lane map design actually works because you can't just boost jump over the lanes, so there is real tactics and flow to the game.

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I just quit AW like a day ago. You get shot in the back 2 seconds after spawning enough times it gets to you in the end I guess.


Went on to finish the end of Witcher 3 (such an awesome game).


Then as I was a part of the Beta I decided to play some Planetside 2.

I'm really enjoying it. It's a casual FPS I can play that doesn't make me rage.

Sure it's not the most competitive FPS out there but you can take it as seriously or as casually as you want to and still have fun.


Try it. It's F2P on PS4.


Not sure it'd work with the geofilter though (unfortunately I'm yet to grab up an R1). 

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Being shot in the back is part of the Revenge Spawn system in AW.


Think I am making this up?


Even in a match with bots, if you die, you will spawn only a few meters away (around a corner; above below depending on map) from the guy/gal who killed you. This then makes them an easy revenge kill since you are directly behind them.


This is yet another reason AW is not a competitive FPS at all...

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Yeah revenge spawns have been around for a while (I think I noticed them first in MW3) and anyone who plays FFA much will regularly curse them with fervour.


But in AW people can be above you 30 feet away and then directly behind you in under 10 seconds. This is why I and many others feel AW games are a cluster ****.

The fast paced arcade/arena shooter for the quick fix is a huge market pretty much monopolised by CoD. I can't see them changing it too much now unless Titanfall 2 steps up it's game. 

I'm sure it'll slow down a little with BO3 but not as much as say BO2. It'll just "feel" a lot slower and more controlled than AW, revenge spawns and all.


Honestly at my age (38) it's getting harder and harder to keep pace and I'm finding games like PS2 and CS:GO are more and more appealing. There was a time though when all I craved was chaos and my fix for that back in the day was Unreal Tournament. So I fully sympathise with those who want faster and more hectic game play.


I do wish like many though that CoD would create a FTP, updated yearly, multiplayer only game with a more stripped down version of itself. A more tactical and professional feeling version for those of us who currently only have CS:GO for that. Like a separate Ranked Play/League Play game.

I think it would be a great place for the highly skilled and bored of pubs to hang out.

Shame it'll never happen as it would reduce sales of their main title and fracture the player base even further than it is now.


Any game devs out there reading. I have ideas. Call me.  ;)


Sorry, long rant. It happens.

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The problem with AW isn't so much the players, or age. The game itself has NO tactics outside of S&D. The Exos nullify the three-lane map design which means there is no flow, no predictability, nor power positioning... Three main things that lend a game its strategy. I like Ghosts, but even I can see where they were headed in terms of making the game more accessible with the maps being too open and big for even Ground War numbers.


I honestly believe if CoD is to survive, they are going to have to go the BF route and include vehicles and more in-depth game play. I know the pick up and play is CoDs main attraction, but we discussed earlier, it's also its biggest Achilles heel. It needs to evolve into a game that anybody of any age, or skill can play that relies on more than just killing. This is CoDs main function and that isn't enough anymore in terms of FPS. 


Rainbow Six: Siege looks to be a return to the tactical roots the original series (pre-Vegas) was known for. It will be 4v4, in tight, CQB environments with destructible environments. This is what CoD should have done years ago (given it's intimate nature), but again, that would require real innovation and thinking outside the box by the devs... And possibly turn off some of the casual players, but they would grow a larger player base in return for those who want an arcade shooter that requires actual thinking instead of just twitch reflexes.

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