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If my ps4 is doing an update I can't stream anything.

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Hello there.

I've tried searching the forum for a similiar answer but couldnt find one.

My setup is ISP modem in bridge > Netduma > Seperate router handling 5ghz and 2.4ghz wifi

The separate router has been setup as an access point, DHCP off, reserved IP etc.

Most devices on my network have reserved IP's, with 101>199 allocated for when random guests join the network.

The duma works for me playing games whilst people stream, that is fine.

A problem I run into a lot is if a game is doing an update on the ps4, nobody else can stream. When I update I remove hyperlanes, set ps4 to 0 on the share flower and give the streaming devices either 50-100% priority with share excess. However devices still can't stream whilst it update and upload/download caps are in place. Me only option is to pause the download and do it when everyones asleep which is not ideal. I've tried setting the bandwidth caps to 70-80-90 and no beuno.

Another problem I run into is if a random housemate decides to torrent something educational presumably, the whole network again cant stream or watch youtube videos in low quality either. Even with priorty of 50%-100% (usually start with 50 then move up to 100) the connection is 16mb download so 100% download on a streaming device should have way more than it needs for the quality options selected. I cant really stop them downloading but I can't seem to manage it very well on the netduma for general purposes other than gaming. 

I'm at the point where I'm wondering if im doing something wrong and why everything chokes when someones torrenting or the ps4 starts to download. I would block peer 2 peer ports from the ISP level but I'd rather just be able to ensure bandwidth on the other devices with downloading having the lowest priority.

Just looking for advice/suggestions for non gaming/general usage as above. I've played around with multiple settings and ideas but cant seem to stop downloads throttling the network. 

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Hello there.

I've tried searching the forum for a similiar answer but couldnt find one.

My setup is ISP modem in bridge > Netduma > Seperate router handling 5ghz and 2.4ghz wifi

The separate router has been setup as an access point, DHCP off, reserved IP etc.

Most devices on my network have reserved IP's, with 101>199 allocated for when random guests join the network.

The duma works for me playing games whilst people stream, that is fine.

A problem I run into a lot is if a game is doing an update on the ps4, nobody else can stream. When I update I remove hyperlanes, set ps4 to 0 on the share flower and give the streaming devices either 50-100% priority with share excess. However devices still can't stream whilst it update and upload/download caps are in place. Me only option is to pause the download and do it when everyones asleep which is not ideal. I've tried setting the bandwidth caps to 70-80-90 and no beuno.

Another problem I run into is if a random housemate decides to torrent something educational presumably, the whole network again cant stream or watch youtube videos in low quality either. Even with priorty of 50%-100% (usually start with 50 then move up to 100) the connection is 16mb download so 100% download on a streaming device should have way more than it needs for the quality options selected. I cant really stop them downloading but I can't seem to manage it very well on the netduma for general purposes other than gaming. 

I'm at the point where I'm wondering if im doing something wrong and why everything chokes when someones torrenting or the ps4 starts to download. I would block peer 2 peer ports from the ISP level but I'd rather just be able to ensure bandwidth on the other devices with downloading having the lowest priority.

Just looking for advice/suggestions for non gaming/general usage as above. I've played around with multiple settings and ideas but cant seem to stop downloads throttling the network.


Are you using preemptive or reactive algo, my roku 4 has issues streaming period when on pre. It’s fine on near any percentage on reactive doesn’t seem like a bandwidth issue, but especially on ps vue its basically frozen and unusable unless I switch over to reactive. Most games on my connect tend to play better on preemptive even though I’m on 100/20 fiber for whatever reason so when I’m done I normally need to switch it.

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The problem is if I use reactive when someones downloading and then my in game connection suffers, im only on 16mb adsl so was told pre-emptive was better for slower connections. I'm almost at the point of just getting a new phone line installed and having it only for the ps4 but it seems overkill. I dont have the option of fibre here in London unfortunately it's also not in the pipeline at my address. It's been about 10 metres away for 5 years.

Edit: I usually use pre-emptive.

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The problem is if I use reactive when someones downloading and then my in game connection suffers, im only on 16mb adsl so was told pre-emptive was better for slower connections. I'm almost at the point of just getting a new phone line installed and having it only for the ps4 but it seems overkill. I dont have the option of fibre here in London unfortunately it's also not in the pipeline at my address. It's been about 10 metres away for 5 years.

Edit: I usually use pre-emptive.

Man sorry to hear that, I waited quite a while for mine then was promised an upgrade to 300/100 for free a few months before spectrum bought time warner. 10 meters aways quite a tease though, mine was at least a bit farther away although for whatever reason Kentucky was all upgraded. Anyway big shock here spectrum didn’t honor this promise noted in my account and their service went down the crapper immediately bouncing all over so I switched to cincy bell for fiber when it finally got here. Yea maybe jack or Frazier have a better idea with low speeds since most gaming doesn’t use much bandwidth and I’m sure you’ve tried the obvious cc options. Good luck man, hope ya get it sorted.

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  • Netduma Staff

The problem is if I use reactive when someones downloading and then my in game connection suffers, im only on 16mb adsl so was told pre-emptive was better for slower connections. I'm almost at the point of just getting a new phone line installed and having it only for the ps4 but it seems overkill. I dont have the option of fibre here in London unfortunately it's also not in the pipeline at my address. It's been about 10 metres away for 5 years.


Edit: I usually use pre-emptive.


First off, I'd definitely recommend setting Anti-Flood to around 70/70. The issue could be caused by bufferbloat - I'd recommend running DSL tests to find out: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest. Please let us know the results of this test.


Are the streaming devices wired or wireless? If they are wireless, I'd recommend downloading a Channel Analyser and scanning for the best channel in your area. You can then change the Wi-Fi channel on your Netduma in Settings > Wi-Fi. I'd also recommend always keeping Device Prioritisation reset with Share Excess ticked - that feature is smart enough to give devices as much bandwidth as they require and share where needed. Please also make absolutely sure that no devices are in Hyper Lane when this happens (since that is the main cause of this issue).


Please let us know how this goes :) we'll try to get to the bottom of it!

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First off, I'd definitely recommend setting Anti-Flood to around 70/70. The issue could be caused by bufferbloat - I'd recommend running DSL tests to find out: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest. Please let us know the results of this test.


Are the streaming devices wired or wireless? If they are wireless, I'd recommend downloading a Channel Analyser and scanning for the best channel in your area. You can then change the Wi-Fi channel on your Netduma in Settings > Wi-Fi. I'd also recommend always keeping Device Prioritisation reset with Share Excess ticked - that feature is smart enough to give devices as much bandwidth as they require and share where needed. Please also make absolutely sure that no devices are in Hyper Lane when this happens (since that is the main cause of this issue).


Please let us know how this goes  :) we'll try to get to the bottom of it!




Yeah - the steaming devices and consoles are hardwired direct to the duma, I made cables and ran them everywhere as im a snob who hates wireless.


The wifi channels are already manually set to the least congested, was the first thing I did setting it up. I've got devices spread across the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands too. I will however check again as the neighbours may have changed devices since to will look into that but for the streaming devices they are cabled up anyway.


The only devices in hyperlane are two ps4's which if they are downloading are removed.


I did a quick test now, with multiple people in the house and one person streaming it looks like this currently with 90/90 and get A+ A+ A+ for overall, bufferbloat and quality.


To re-create the conditions I will force the ps4 to download and re-test later on to see how it changes and see if I can get to the bottom of it. Thanks for the assistance. 



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Man sorry to hear that, I waited quite a while for mine then was promised an upgrade to 300/100 for free a few months before spectrum bought time warner. 10 meters aways quite a tease though, mine was at least a bit farther away although for whatever reason Kentucky was all upgraded. Anyway big shock here spectrum didn’t honor this promise noted in my account and their service went down the crapper immediately bouncing all over so I switched to cincy bell for fiber when it finally got here. Yea maybe jack or Frazier have a better idea with low speeds since most gaming doesn’t use much bandwidth and I’m sure you’ve tried the obvious cc options. Good luck man, hope ya get it sorted.

Thanks man, yeah it's such a tease - its just too expensive to lay the cables for my side of the road I presume. I think 5g will get here before fibre in all honesty.


Yeah most gaming doesnt use a lot of bandwidth, however Destiny is a monster when it comes to bandwidth. To enable two people to play at once I've had to get business ADSL with an annex M add-on to get around 1.9mbs upload as the .775 kbps before was enough to play 3v3  solo but not enough to play 6v6 due to bandwidth used when playing 6v6, it was a nightmare. Then you add two people trying to play together and 3v3 was the only option. I pay the same price as a fibre connection unfortunately and have 16mbs down 1.9 up - which isnt the worst connection but it doesnt support 3 people trying to stream at once.

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Tested streaming with ps4 downloading. I still get A+ A+ A+ for all 3 at 90%.

Done some further tests.

Streaming amazon prime (through a vpn this time), 1080p youtubevideo, downloading on ps4... A+ A A+ - still at 90%.

Maybe the culpirt is not the ps4 downloading but someone having torrents on the go... gonna have to monitor my network for when it happens and run tests again because it happens a fair few times a week. Would setting it to 70-70 keep one stream going and ps4 playing a game whilst someones torrenting? It's usually the same person in the house and they just dont care.


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  • Netduma Staff

Are you on the latest firmware version? 70/70 should essentially be nullifying these issues, so there has to be a reason. Some of the older firmware contained a bug related to streaming, so if you're not on 1.03.6+ then I'd recommend upgrading.


With those scores it's doubtful that bufferbloat is the cause. Do you have UPnP enabled? Make sure Port Forwarding is disabled and enable UPnP.

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