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Wifi and slow speeds

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Hi guys,


Bought a Duma a little over 18 months ago and starting to have some issues. Often the wifi drops out and the modem has to be restarted, probably happens about once a day. Secondly I get great speeds on my PC about 90mbs down and 2 UP (yay Aus cable) however on my playstation the speeds are very sporadic but have been averaging 15mbs a sec and 1 up. The PS4 is in hyperlane and congestion control is sitting at about 80 80 so not sure what is going on. can anyone offer advice for me?(PS4 and PC are ethernet)


Games like overwatch and battlefront are fine however FIFA is a fucking dogs breakfast and I want to destroy all technology providing me gaming services. It is probably just EA servers but when I look at the speeds on my PS im not sure if this is affecting the quality of game.


any advice is welcome.

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Try changing the WiFi channel, I’ve had this happen before and changing the channel sorted it.


As for your speeds - try these steps:


Select Reactive Algorithm

Set sliders to 100% in anti-flood

Check share excess is enabled

Reset device prioritisation & click apply

Ensure that IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc is disabled

Ensure deep packet in misc is disabled

Do a wired speed test from a PC


What speeds should you be getting?

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As ModBoX has already said - console speed tests are not accurate. Speed tests should be ran from a wired PC with Congestion Control slider set to 100%.


Speeds will be slower using wifi. If you need faster wifi you could use a second router with 5ghz AC wifi (in access point mode) This would allow you to use all the features of the Duma and have faster wifi

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