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Call of duty world war 2


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  • Netduma Staff

In what way is your experience better without the Geo-filter enabled? If you mean you get higher pings with it enabled, that would be strange in a game like CoD. Have you tried using the CoD Ultimate profile?

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  • Netduma Staff

I'm getting ping 9-12ms filter on and with it off 26-35ms.


But I get better gameplay with it off....


That seems weird indeed! Well there's no physical reason why that should be the case - I'm thinking the hosts you get into with a lower ping (a ridiculously good ping I might add, seems like you've got an amazing setup there) have some really dodgy players connecting to them for some reason. That only really applies if you're convinced that the gameplay is that much worse.


We're all about reducing ping here, and so long as you haven't got any spikes / jitter it seems that you've got a great connection. I'd only recommend the CoD Ultimate profile as an experiment since it's a new game, though you likely won't be getting 9-12ms. Keep us posted man - if you've got a way to record gameplay, I'd record 5 minutes of footage with the Geo enabled and disabled and compare :D

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36ms ping off the ultimate setting. i feel i should be able to get quicker kills but other videos i see online i see people melting players with the netduma. pingplotter 30ms didn't get any jitter at all. 



im using dsl setup with my telus internet provider 50 down & 10 upload actiontec - tp link (archer c50) - netduma r1 - ps4 (lan)


would optic fibre help out my connection at all? they offer 150 up and 150 down speeds

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  • Netduma Staff

It's worth keeping in mind that YouTubers tend to have the best possible setup and spend a lot of money getting the best equipment and ISP. Switching ISP can sometimes help, but then again with a jitter free line and a 9-13ms ping possible, I definitely wouldn't recommend doing it since it will be far more likely to do more harm than good.


Yeh if you can get a comparison video together that'd be a great way to see how much lag you're getting - at this stage I'm convinced it's other players messing you about.

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