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Was I hosting?


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  • Netduma Staff

I think if you were hosting then all the circles would be big. Its likely that there was a big circle that you couldn't see that you had connected to through ping assist maybe?

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as crossy said you 'could' have been host.



was the screen shot from a lobby or a live game?


don't really know if this is fact or not but based on my own experience, most of the circles tend to expand and contract in size.


granted that a screen shot couldn't show the circles pulsating, but i never see them all synchronised and pulsing in unison either.


i'm sure someone a bit more experienced is bound to offer a more educated response at some point 






i guess the crux of it really is, that even if you weren't host, if it gave you a satisfying game.... the job's a goodun..... i am assuming it did btw based on the fact that this forum tends to predominantly purvey a positive posting policy.

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