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Destiny matchmaking issues

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Hi all,


I just purchased the Netduma R1, hoping I could solve the issue of being matched with laggy players in Destiny. I had some success with using the Geo filter, but I've also had pretty frequent disconnects after matchmaking and before beginning a match. The error is mostly beaver, though I have seen coconut and rabbit as well. I've read through the user manual and instructions for fine tuning for destiny, and I've read through other user's support topics and tried some proposed solutions. Wondering if I could get some help from an expert. 



I have tried the following:

Followed instructions for opening NAT (PS4 says type 2), I have tried with ping assist at zero and geofiltering at 2000km, I have tried using auto cloud and bleeding-edge enabled, and also tried specific cloud numbers 30, 28, and 28.


Firmware is 1.03.6h

My ps4 is hardwired to the Netduma R1 and ISP antenna, which provides access to the internet via microwave based technology and is very stable. Prior to trying the R1 my disconnects were infrequent/negligible.

I pay for 8Mbps down and 2Mbps up

PS4 speedtest says I get 7.6 down and .367 up, Ookla speedtest.net says I get 6 down and 1.25 up.

Netduma ping diagnostics say ping is Ok, jitter is exceptional, spikes exceptional, no packet loss.


Thanks for reading through this, any help would be greatly appreciated. I would love to get the most out of this router.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had this happen too, mainly in Trials. I think I've still had it happen with Strict off as well, but Geo on and radius covering entire US. I've had to completely turn off Geo to make sure my two team mates don't keep getting pissed at me. So besides disabling strict, what else should I do to help stop this? Thanks for any help!

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I've had this happen too, mainly in Trials. I think I've still had it happen with Strict off as well, but Geo on and radius covering entire US. I've had to completely turn off Geo to make sure my two team mates don't keep getting pissed at me. So besides disabling strict, what else should I do to help stop this? Thanks for any help!

Take a look here:


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I've been running, with geo disabled and having no issues with connections or matchmaking, iron banner and regular crucible has been ok.

It's a network setting problem not an issue with Bungie servers.

I think we have the same configuration and i don't have any problem with the game.

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I've had this happen too, mainly in Trials. I think I've still had it happen with Strict off as well, but Geo on and radius covering entire US. I've had to completely turn off Geo to make sure my two team mates don't keep getting pissed at me. So besides disabling strict, what else should I do to help stop this? Thanks for any help!


Ports forwarded for the game and the 30, 28, 28 cloud numbers you shouldn't get booted

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