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Since i got a PS4...

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...and a PS3 is there anything i need to do differently.Should i set static IP's for them and then enable port forwarding in misc. or leave it as is ?


Yes they both work and I have any open nat on both consoles.The reason I ask is over the weekend I would connect outside my GF on a regular basis on PS4


I notice that when i get off my GF page and then go back to it my settings go back to default.Meaning PS4 and playstation network PA isn't ticked anymore,is that normal ?

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As buck said make sure you have cookies enabled in "Settings > Misc". However I'd suggest not going static as your NAT is already open. Maybe your netduma just needs a reboot see if that fixes the GeoFitler issue 

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So Iain right now I have my Xbox One with a static ip  but no ports forwarded and NAT is open as well.  There is no real use for that right? Should I try to change it back to dynamic and see if my NAT stays open.  

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Already have the cookies enabled,always had it ticked since it became an option.Also have rebooted router and that seemed to fix the GF issue but under select service anytime I leave the host filtering page it goes from PS3 or PS4 and playstation network PA back to default which for me is my laptop is that normal or am I missing something.


And I think I added the PS4 correctly the duma see's it and it's under my devices and GF works on PS4 but it's been acting funny the last few days.Can someone let me know if i added the PS4 correctly ?

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  • Netduma Staff

Thats not normal for it to change back after leaving the page. Also, cookies shouldn't affect that (those settings are saved to the router) so it is something else going on.


First could you check you are using a browser such as chrome or firefox.


If that does't work, could you confirm you added it right (I'm sure you have) by checking what you did against this guide :)

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Yeah Crossy using chrome and read thru the guide and I added it correctly but every time I leave host filtering page it goes back to my laptop,so I don't know what's going on.

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Hey Fuzzy, 


Can you take a pic of it after you've selected PS4 & PA. Then another pic after you've refreshed the page. This sounds very odd.

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Here's what it looks like after I fix it before I game.


And this is what it looks like after I leave the host filtering page.








Any ideas ?

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  • Netduma Staff

I think I see what you mean.


So it displays as the PS when you get back but when you click on it the Laptop is selected and not the PS? If thats correct then thats normal and when you click to change the device it just automatically chooses the top one :)

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Crossy is right.


The dialog is used for selecting the console NOT showing the selected one. So when the page restarts it just defaults to the top one. You can safely ignore that mate

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So when you say I can safely ignore that,does that mean don't worry about it or do I still need to put it back on PS3 or PS4 and playstation network PA ?

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Will do thanks and get some internet at home bro,that way you don't have to go to the office everyday.All work and no play makes Iain a tired programmer   ;)

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