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Poor hit detection on halo 5?

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Hey I was just wondering if this is common without trying to use the geo filter for halo 5. I constantly have moments of hip firing 3 burst of a battle rifle into someone and they just kill me in what maybe one or two. It just feels like no matter what I do I get retarded deaths. I get halo does take skill and aim but three bursts of a battle rifle with hit marker indicators clearly showing they "hit" with no kill makes not a bit of sense to me. Is it better if I fixed use geo filtering for this game? I have slight issues on cod and very few on games like destiny

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Battle rifle is a 4 shot kill if everyone is a headshot I know that. If it does look like they're sponging a lot then that could be lag & the Geo-filter would help you get the closest game possible. Of course congestion control incl hyper traffic would help a lot.

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Well I'm putting like three bursts or two bursts into people and they aren't even dying. Of course I understand headshots are basically a one burst kill which makes sense. But yes they are definitely sponging bullets and sometimes I'm just getting what feels like one bursted out of nowhere. Almost as if I don't get a chance to react to anything. It's just weird that on destiny I never really had any major issues with "lag" after they fixed the initial lag from launch nor did I really even have lag with Titanfall either unless someone else hosted the lobby for us.

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I'm aware that it's most likely my ISP issues but for some reason sponging on halo games seems to be a real issue for me more than any other game


Halo 5 is very bad online its either hit or miss. I use the Geo - filter and it helps but it dont stop certain players from sponging hard.

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I came to the conclusion that there could be a problem playing in a party.

My stats when i play solo or in a party are too much different, even if the skill level is the same, and when i play solo the game is more responsive and i could aim better, instead when i play in party the game become very sluggish, aiming is slow, there is more controller input lag, a lot of istant deaths, etc.

I remeber that there was an issue with xbox one party chat and black ops 3 that made the game stutter. They resolved the issue with a specific fix.


Yesterday (but i verified it many times..) i was playing in party with friends who have very bad internet connection (i have 100/20 fttc, with low ping, no packet loo and jitter free) and it was impossible to play. Then i started to play solo and the game changed from night to day.

So i think that most of the problems with hit detection, the game being slow and heavy aiming are caused by other players connection, especially when we play in party.

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I came to the conclusion that there could be a problem playing in a party.

My stats when i play solo or in a party are too much different, even if the skill level is the same, and when i play solo the game is more responsive and i could aim better, instead when i play in party the game become very sluggish, aiming is slow, there is more controller input lag, a lot of istant deaths, etc.

I remeber that there was an issue with xbox one party chat and black ops 3 that made the game stutter. They resolved the issue with a specific fix.


Yesterday (but i verified it many times..) i was playing in party with friends who have very bad internet connection (i have 100/20 fttc, with low ping, no packet loo and jitter free) and it was impossible to play. Then i started to play solo and the game changed from night to day.

So i think that most of the problems with hit detection, the game being slow and heavy aiming are caused by other players connection, especially when we play in party.


That's disappointing that they can't get it to work properly when in a party. Are you using party chat at the time or in game chat? Does that make a difference at all?

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Actually Fraser I noticed I seem to lag more when using party chat vs not using it so much. Why would this be? I mean if the ports for specific call of duty games are in my hyper lane then party chat should be irrelevant to the in game connection.

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