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Open NAT type for two PS4s same Network

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Honestly, I have seen over 50 posts with the same question and I don't even how to help them.


I have 3 xboxone and 2 playstation 4 at my house, all connected to duma and every single one of them have open net. As far as the games, I only play COD, so BO3, IW and MWR all have open net also.


I have been using the UPnP option since the day one and never had any problems. The only thing I have noticed is that nat will go to Moderate is if you have multi consoles with the same name. Go to console settings and change the name to something like front room, back room bla bla ..



Xbox live chat has always been pain in the as* to work with, I have 3 xboxone on right now and this is what I see http://i.imgur.com/rvgsriM.png

Looks like if the port is in use, it will use a different one for Teredo. Not really sure, but works just fine. All of them have open nat.


Good luck ...

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There has to be a way to do it manually, the solution of just use UPNP is not working on my side and it might have to do with my netduma not being my primary router (not my primary router cause asus bandwidth limiting is better and easier to manage than the Dumas IMO).

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I guess my question is how does Netdumas UPNP handle it so we can have the nat type open on both PS4s running at the same time on the same network so we can do it manually, I'm going to do some testing and get to the bottom of it and post it here. I'm sure it tries to use a different port if one is already taken. Thanks for the help anyways guys.

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The UPnP will open the ports it detects are needed. The consoles can't occupy the same port otherwise when game traffic came in it wouldn't know which console to send it to. So yes they likely will operate on different ports when two are on at the same time.

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There is no way to make all the consoles flawlessly work simultaneously without having different actual public IP addresses assigned to them. I've tried that before when me and my buddy lived together even using upnp. The problem occurs when you have two Xbox one's using the same public IP address connecting to Xbox live. Generally I've noticed the first console connected tends to get the priority. As fraser said the gaming packets get confused and I noticed he would ebndt up lagging alot more than me even though we had great internet good ping/bandwidth and there was no reason to be lagging. Isps can sometimes issue out more than one public IP address but at a cost, that or you could add more modems to the line, we had cable and ended up just having two modems coming off a splitter and it worked fine.

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