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Losing Internet/Dropping Packets When downloading a game

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- While having port forward and UPnP enabled (not saying this is the issue, just now testing without port forwarding)

  * UPDATE: This isn't the cause, port forwarding is disabled now and am still being booted in and out of games.


I am downloading:

- Rocket League

- Infinite Warfare/MW-Remastered


My Xbox one and my PS4 both randomly disconnect from the network while this is happening, games are being downloaded on the xbox one.


Also my nat type on xbox goes from Open to Moderate.


- Plugging the devices into the main router stops this issue.

- Pausing the Downloads resolves this issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Notices this too when downloading on psn. Runs max 6MB/s then out of now where goes to a crawl or stop, pause/resume fixes this. Has to be hyperlane. On pc I get my full 25MB/s no issues. Definitely nothing to do with turbo mode. I leave that on. Unless turbo and hyperlane conflicting when downloading thru psn.... Maybe os 2 fix this... Another bug.

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Do all devices seem to freeze when this happens or is it only the consoles?


Are you using CC at the time or are you at 100%?


I assume you're using ethernet over wireless?


- All devices lose internet for a bit of time

- I have no turbo or super turbo mode

- CC is set to 100% (so no usage)

- I do not have hyperlane setup at all

- All wired


Moved the xbox to the main router during download stopped the kicks from PS, also stabalized the download speeds from bouncing from 0-100Mb/s then back to 0...to be 60Mb/s constant.

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Do you by any chance have share excess off? 


Either way try with turbo & super turbo mode on. Ensure dpp is disabled as well.


Quick thought, do you have the consoles enabled on the Geo-filter when this occurs? If so disable them then try again.

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Do you by any chance have share excess off? 


Either way try with turbo & super turbo mode on. Ensure dpp is disabled as well.


Quick thought, do you have the consoles enabled on the Geo-filter when this occurs? If so disable them then try again.


Share excess is on for Download and Upload speeds set to 400 down and 30 up

I have Turn and super turbo disabled

Deep packet processing is disabled always

Geo-filter is off, hasn't been on in months

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