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New Netduma owner here, not getting near top speeds

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I received my new netduma router last week and I am having trouble with a few things and can't figure it out. 


On my 2 other routers I had before I ordered my netduma I would get around 120-130 down and around 40 up (and still do), but I get extreme blufferboat with them.


Plugged into the net duma I get the same speeds as I do via wifi, around 50 down 30 up. (no blufferboat), but I do get disconnected from games via xbox a few times per night


My setup is my netduma router being plugged into my arris cable modem plugged into he wall



I have been through multiple threads on settings to check or uncheck with people who have had the same issue, and have tried a factory reset but nothing seems to make sense why my speeds are being cut over 50%




Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Harpua19, welcome to the forum   :)


Could you check on a few things please ?


Click on the Congestion Control tab and then select the Reactive algorithm & make sure both Down/Upload Cap bars are at 100%.

  Click Reset Distribution, then Update Distribution on the Device Prioritization below.


Next, click Settings tab then Misc. Make sure Turbo & Cookies are ticked then below click Reboot Router and wait a minute.


Test again for speed.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum! We'd recommend this set-up for your speeds:


- Reactive Algorithm
- 100% anti-flood
- Share excess enabled
- Reset device prioritisation & apply
- Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc
- Disable deep packet in misc
- Enable turbo mode
- Ensure the ethernet cables you're using connecting the R1 to hub & R1 to PC are Cat5e+/can handle your speeds.
- Do a wired speed test from a PC
Let us know if any of that solves your problem, and post the results of the speed-test here please.
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