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Putting R1 in DMZ

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Am setting up R1 and going through optimal settings and the advice to get an open NAT is to put the R1 in the DMZ from your ISP modem. I thought this was onyl done for specific devices that didnt need to be secure? I have multiple devices including shared computers etc hanging off the R1. I dont mid sticking my Xboxone in the DMZ but surely all other devices will be unsecure?


I've done this numerous times before and setup port fowarding on routers with Xbox on static IP but the advice seems to contradict this in the guides. I haven't had time to test yet but reluctant to stick R1 in the DMZ.


Have searched on this but not found too much...

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Am setting up R1 and going through optimal settings and the advice to get an open NAT is to put the R1 in the DMZ from your ISP modem. I thought this was onyl done for specific devices that didnt need to be secure? I have multiple devices including shared computers etc hanging off the R1. I dont mid sticking my Xboxone in the DMZ but surely all other devices will be unsecure?


I've done this numerous times before and setup port fowarding on routers with Xbox on static IP but the advice seems to contradict this in the guides. I haven't had time to test yet but reluctant to stick R1 in the DMZ.


Have searched on this but not found too much...

The netduma has a built in firewall so apparently should be ok. However i dont use DMZ, instead i just use upnp forwarding and it works fine for me. This depends on your setup btw.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum! Putting the Netduma into the DMZ of your ISP is perfectly safe; RobReapz is correct in saying that we have an in-built firewall. 

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Ok sure that helps, just hope the firewall is decent.... gotta be better than the VM3 hub for sure. Will try the unpnp setup first and see how it goes but just wanted validation DMZ was actually ok. Cheers RobReapz / Netduma Jack. I'm liking the interface so far but need a multi- monitor setup to use whilst gaming, switching hdmi inputs or using kindle/iphone not dieal for Geo filter.

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  • Netduma Staff

Many of our users opt for a multi-monitor set up; there's nothing quite like having the Geofilter next to your game screen and seeing it in real time. The firewall is sufficient to protect your devices in the long term. Let us know if you have any more questions :)

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