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internet not working through Netduma

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today i cant connect to my internet through the netduma, i have hard reset and factory reset and nothing. my connection is fine it runs normally through my router to my pc getting 215down and 13upload (LAN), but when i put it in modem mode on my ISP router it decides not to work throught the netduma. 

can anyone help?

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what did you change before it stopped working?


Have you tried turning all of it off for 5 minutes, then turn on the ISP hub and wait for a couple of minutes, then turn on the Duma and wait for a couple of minutes, then try to connect again?


The waiting in between steps (and while it's all off) is important.

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What modem do you use?  Some modems when placed into RFC1483 bridge will ONLY work on a specific LAN port.  Maybe you moved ports accidentally?  Or perhaps they have a different MAC address recorded if you previously had a different device bridged to your modem.  Maybe try cloning the PC mac address to the Netduma so it appears to the modem to be the same PC you said works fine.  

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Or from what I've noticed. Factory reset netduma, reset modem. Leave Duma off for like 5 mins. Turn on. Modem. Leave it going for a few mins then plug in netduma then your pc. Wait a min. Should be fine. Had this problem when I installed new modem. Thought netduma was broke. Seems it's slow when talking. Fraser recommended this as well.

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