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duma behaving weird earlier

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wasn't working like i'm used to when i moved my home location


was still finding games with geo filter set to minimum and no ping assist when i moved my home a few hundred km off the coast of iceland


strict mode on and PA is deffo enabled and yes i was waiting over 2 mins in between tries



i already reset too and still the same



seemed to be working fine when using my actual home location though

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  • Netduma Staff

i don't think so crossy


So if you are getting in games then you should be seeing something on the Geo Filter - what browser are you using? Could you also go to Miscellaneous settings and click 'Apply Cloud Settings' :)

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  • Netduma Staff

ok working again now.......although it did take like 5 minutes to find a game lol


That's good! Was it when you moved your home location to the see that it took along time? :)

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  • Netduma Staff

shouldnt with the filter set worldwide though surely?


In your OP you said it was set to minimum so I thought that was how you had it in the sea :) If its all working now though and the hosts are showing up on your GeoFilter then it doesn't matter :)

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In your OP you said it was set to minimum so I thought that was how you had it in the sea :) If its all working now though and the hosts are showing up on your GeoFilter then it doesn't matter :)

thanks for the assistance fella :)

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