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Does Netduma help Black Ops 3?

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I'm using it on both PS4 and Xbox one...and it keeps putting me in lobbies with very frequent 120ms ping spikes (on both systems, but more frequent on XB1). I've tried every setting. Small radius geo-filter, setting to 0 ping, putting myself in the ocean with 50 ping & using the COD profile.. I've factory reset my modem and the Netduma each twice. Even ran the netduma with just my laptop and only the PS4 allocating 80% to PS4...still high ping lobby after another...waiting 5 minutes between each adjustment b/c of the anti-cheat.

My question is this: is the Netduma just not able to stop the BO3 matchmaking system from putting me into the server I temp ban? Trace route shows I go to a server in Midwest U.S. (which is my approx. location) to Seattle, back to host.

Or...did I get a faulty unit? I got it from Ebay...owner stated he only had it a very short time.

I wanna believe this thing will work....but I also wanna believe in aliens.


Also, just FYI I ping 50ms on PS4 & 67ms on Xbox pretty steady without using the Netduma...but I get frequent rubberbanding, and lag. I've run Pingplotter and CMD prompt ping to google over 12 hr periods and show no abnormalities in my connection, so I figured it was something on the end of Activision servers, thus the purchase of the Netduma.

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As above ^ if you can provide screenshots from this guide that will help: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000022425-lag-support-instructions-to-post-on-the-forum-

This should get your started/sorted though:

  • ALL devices should be connected to the R1 otherwise congestion control will not work correctly.
  • 70/70 antif-flood
  • Share excess enabled
  • Reset device prioritisation & apply
  • Console in hyper traffic
  • ~1000km radius
  • Strict on
  • 0 Ping assist
  • Auto&bleeding edge cloud ticked & applied
  • Wired connection to console
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I do have all of the above mentioned settings applied. I still keep on ending up in these lobbies pinging up to 160ms sometimes and lagging like mad. To what I've been reading on this forum, it sounds like I'm not the only one having issues playing BO3 w/ the Netduma. I guess it could be for a plethora of reasons. The Netduma works fine when I disable the Geo-Filter, so.....good enough for me, for now.

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Yep. I tried it that way too, per the Optimal Settings guide. I keep getting sent to servers where I'm pinging @ 80ms and spiking frequently whenever I have the Geo-Filter enabled. When I disable it, I get the same server, but ping @67-80ms. When I run my console directly to the modem I ping steady @ 50ms on PS4 and 67 on XB1.

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Ok, I was wondering about that...because I'll get rubberbanding and latency even when Black Ops ping meter says I'm getting 50ms. But I ping google, , and other websites via Windows command prompt with -t after it so it runs for a while, and also I use a program called PingPlotter pro, on a PC. But Netduma will show exactly what BO3 says I'm getting.

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attachicon.gifScreenshot (4).pngattachicon.gifScreenshot (5).pngattachicon.gifScreenshot (6).png


I do have all of the above mentioned settings applied. I still keep on ending up in these lobbies pinging up to 160ms sometimes and lagging like mad. To what I've been reading on this forum, it sounds like I'm not the only one having issues playing BO3 w/ the Netduma. I guess it could be for a plethora of reasons. The Netduma works fine when I disable the Geo-Filter, so.....good enough for me, for now.


You haven't got 1000km set and reset prio hasn't been done. If you provide the other screenshots asked for in the guide I can best advise.

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I moved my location a few hundred miles away from my real location, kept the radius under 400 miles and now it works like a charm...both systems! Getting low ping and fantastic hit detection in black ops 3. Perfect. I knew this thing (Netduma) had to work. It just makes too much sense not to!

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