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always connecting to host in america

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someone please help im based in uk i have my home pointer in uk ive set my filter distance to 429 miles i have it on strict mode but for some reason always makes me to connect to a host in america when i do a ping trace it goes to the america host in the legend section on the map its is showing the host as a broken circle which means always allow host is there a way of blocking this?????

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You sure it's not just a misplaced dedi? (as in Duma says it's USA but really it's Europe), you can tell be the ping time.

If it's 100ms or there abouts then it'll be USA, if it's sub 40ms then it'll be Europe.


Don't rely on the traceroute, it's not always accurate.


If you have an unwanted host set to 'always allow', drag the slider down to the red to deny it.

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