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Netduma Interface Slow

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I have rebooted via misc settings

I have the sliders at 100%

I have reset the router back to default

I have rebooted router and cable modem

I have on default themes


I live in Virginia USA my provider is Comcast Xfinity Blast 10up 50down i have a Arris Surfboard SB6190 cable modem, netgear wireless extender and the Netduma. If you reboot the router or reset it it works fine but this is only temporary about an hour or so. I get extremely slow load times on the Netduma over 5 minutes and sometimes not at all. 

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  • Netduma Staff

Okay, it seems like it's not your settings at fault here; so we'll take a look and see what's causing the issue. If you make a post in the 1 on 1 section of the forum, Fraser will help you out and access the interface to take a look.

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