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Yellow Bar out of the blue as of 2 months ago on Destiny

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Hello I bought the netduma over a year ago, maybe 2, and have had flawless game play with it. Up until 2 months ago everything seemed amazing. Then out of no where blam, a constant yellow bar. It could be in my head but I truly feel my game play has deteriorated. For example pre yellow bar I averaged well over a 2 kd. Since this magic mustard bottle appeared its been 1 to 1.5 kd. My shots don't feel crispy and seem to miraculously pass right through people. Maybe I'm just old now and my hand eye coordination is terrible. But any insight and help figuring out this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

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Hi Fraser i have tried that multiple times. Along with factory reset.

I have 300 down and 25 up with a 23ms ping

My setup is comcast modem> netduma> ps4 hardwired * netduma is in modems dmz also tried with modem in bridge mode

Another setup i tried is arris sb6183> netduma>ps4 hardwired still same results

I have also tried using the destiny profile cc set to 70 70 share excess

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Not familiar with destiny myself. Thought that game was p2p only? I know in bo3 if I'm not host and I join on someone's party I've yellow barred a few times which is crazy cuz I have 180/25. 19ms ping. . But jus depends on where server is I vamp closest to me..... .

Do u have another game to test? I haven't heard one good thing about destiny.

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Yes it's p2p unfortunately, one can only hope hope year 2 has dedicated servers. It seem to not matter if I'm host or not. I'll be green then all of a sudden go yellow. I haven't tried any other game so I can't rule out it a destiny problem. Destiny is tho a great game. It does have its flaws. Bungie does a pretty good job at fixing them tho. People say bad things about but still play it.

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Hi, Ive been playing for years and i dont believe those bars at at, its all about where the game sends you sometimes i can a patrol and im a Usa Server or the tower, PVpWell thats another story, as long your isp is good i wouldnt worry to much, Make sure congestion is set thhe same maybe, sometimes it makes moves accidentally, i dont no!

But its a odd game sometimes.

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Download Pingplotter to diagnose issues upstream of your home network. If you notice any spikes or packet loss at a stop along the way and it's consistently bad, contact your ISP.


Run a DSL Report test to diagnose issues within your home network. Tweak congestion control up and down until you get A+ for Bufferbloat and A+ for quality. Speed is the least important factor for gaming, but you should get an A or A+ there.

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My above comment was me solo. Idk what is causing it. My download and upload nor ping doesn't seem to vary. I've had a comcast technician come out and test both the lines inside and outside of my house. There was no noise causing interference. Idk what else to do...

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These yellow bars i feel are incorrect,same with green etc Red well its obvious what goes on there,although i have good connection and sometimes,i get the odd red bar,its your connection to the host,sometimes in the tower you can be red?oddly.I take no notice of these bars,as i just dont think there a good indication to your connection.

Its the game i feel.

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