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Router not rebooting and ping error because I cant disable vpn

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So full factory reboot has been done.. was quite sure how to export settings.. sorry for being a pain.. I've set it bk up, in regards to Geo, bandwidth ect.. only thing I can't remember is how I had misc and wan and stuff.. could you remind me of the optimal boxes to untick and leave ticked.. after that go ahead and close thread

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No worries!


Depends on a few factors but generally:


In misc:-

UPnP forwarding disabled

Multicast snooping disabled

IPv6 disabled

Enable cookies

Turbo if speeds above ~120
Super if speeds above ~300
Auto&bleeding edge cloud ticked and applied
Default theme

WAN & LAN IPv6 disabled everything else should be fine. 

I'll close the thread but do open another if you need further help.

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