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Connection completely lost

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Hello everyone , i have the netduma since almost a year now , and i just decided to put it back on , the problem is when the netduma is on , i lost all my connection on all devices , i can't acces internet , and if i go to , the page is loading but no internet connection on it either . I tseem like as soon as i turn on my duma , my real modem is block instantly . And yes i tried reset both .

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi, welcome to the forum! If you're saying you can't access the interface, please follow this guide: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000022375-i-unticked-preserve-settings-when-upgrading-can-t-access-my-router-help


That will hopefully allow you to access the interface, at which point we'll be able to help you get connected :)

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  • Administrators

When you access the interface, can you see the WAN IP on the device manager?


Do you know if you need PPPoE for your connection? Go into your modems interface and look for PPPoE, is it enabled? If so you will need to put the user/pass into the duma WAN settings.

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