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Multiplayer Connection Issues?

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So I just downloaded the newest Black ops 3 patch, and after that it wouldnt let me connect.  I'm thinking it was the game and patch, but it turns out Im logged into xbox live, b ut when i try to connect to any multiplayer game it doesnt let me.  I rebooted my modem and router, rebooted my xbox, reset my xbox, and I'm still experiencing the same issue.  It's very weird.  I can sign into xbox live, but when i try to connect to any multiplayer game no matter what game it is it wont let me connect.  It will say connection not available, or can't sign into xbox live.  Im not showing any type of ban on my account either.  Is this a net duma issue?  Helppppp lol

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Your welcome. Wasted a hour figuring it out, but troubleshooting is my thing. Tho I have noticed when connecting / testing nat type in psn network setting connection test. A master lock shows up in Kansas? Or something. I tried adding this 100% host since it let's me but seems to do nothing. Not sure if this is psn in bum f*ck Egypt. Tried a couple times and does nothing. Maybe netduma cloud has to do something with it on their end. But fir now that fix works. Kinda annoying tho. Worked fine geo filter always strict before this 1.15 update. So maybe it's an update on netduma tech end to contradict Activision update. . I'm more antsy for update in ping geo filter match circles with graph colors. That should be top priority or done all along hehe. But yeah

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Thanks so much guys.  I wasted HOURS of trouble shooting, and couldn't figure it out.  I thought I was under some kind of ban.  I'm going to test this out when I get home from work today, but judging by this forum I'm not the only one that came across this issue.  Thanks again.

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In settings > miscellaneous untick auto & bleeding edge cloud and choose the following:

  • 21
  • 15
  • 25

Then click apply.


Does this resolve the not being able to connect when booting up the game with Geo-filter on? 


Does this resolve the NAT test in console settings?

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Hi Fraser,


No this didn't work but disabling the geo filter and starting a game worked for Ghosts because i had the disc.  The problem I'm running into right now is when i try to start up Black Ops 3, which I downloaded and didn't buy the physical copy, it's giving me the error "Do you own this game or app?  IF you have a game disc insert it now, if you bought this online make sure you're signed into xbox live.  PLEASEEEEEE don't tell me i have to uninstall and resinstall this game lol



In settings > miscellaneous untick auto & bleeding edge cloud and choose the following:

  • 21
  • 15
  • 25

Then click apply.


Does this resolve the not being able to connect when booting up the game with Geo-filter on? 


Does this resolve the NAT test in console settings?

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Fraser posted a follow up in another thread that it could take up to 4 hours for the changes to populate.  Some folks have reported that it fixed the issue right away, but for those still having an issue, give it some time and try it again after a couple of hours have gone by.

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