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Why does my R1 WAN IP change back and forth from to whenever I reboot it?

I just rebooted again to check, and now it is


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Why does my R1 WAN IP change back and forth from to whenever I reboot it?

I just rebooted again to check, and now it is


Your main router is assigning it an IP address. When you reboot the Netduma it changes. I would assume you have an ISP provided modem/router all in one combo device. The best thing you can do here is put that into bridge mode which will disable the internal router of your modem.

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I just bought a Arris SBG6900-AC and have been using the DMZ method from the R1 Wiki.


I'll look into the Bridge, but dont know anything about that really.




Unlikely that modem has the option since you bought it. Would be silly to buy a modem/router just to disable the router.

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Your main router is assigning it an IP address. When you reboot the Netduma it changes. I would assume you have an ISP provided modem/router all in one combo device. The best thing you can do here is put that into bridge mode which will disable the internal router of your modem.

I figured I'd give you another question, you've been so damn helpful! :)


My internet speed is 300dn/30up - [Comcast in Seattle]


When I do a Speed test through my PC [not connected to R1] I get apprx 296/29 w/ a 8ms ping.

When I do a Network test on my Xbone [modem/router straight to Xbox] I get 296/17 with a 199ms ping! WTF?!

When I do a Network test on my Xbone [thru R1, but not Enabled] I get 160/17 with a 199ms ping! WTF?!

[All of this is after my R1 and modem is in the proper DMZ mode]


I know the speed from the Netduma just does that, so that isnt my concern, do you think it's just the XBL servers giving me this horrible ping?


p.s. Everything I own is Hard Wired, and NAT result is OPEN for each test

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I figured I'd give you another question, you've been so damn helpful! :)


My internet speed is 300dn/30up - [Comcast in Seattle]


When I do a Speed test through my PC [not connected to R1] I get apprx 296/29 w/ a 8ms ping.

When I do a Network test on my Xbone [modem/router straight to Xbox] I get 296/17 with a 199ms ping! WTF?!

When I do a Network test on my Xbone [thru R1, but not Enabled] I get 160/17 with a 199ms ping! WTF?!

[All of this is after my R1 and modem is in the proper DZ mode]


I know the speed from the Netduma just does that, so that isnt my concern, do you think it's just the XBL servers giving me this horrible ping?


p.s. Everything I own is Hard Wired, and NAT result is OPEN for each test


Well the xbox speedtest is horribly inaccurate... Go to http://www.dslreports.com/speedteston your wired PC through the netduma and post your results. If you're not getting your full speeds through the Netduma then something is configured wrong.


Also, to get the best results everything should be connecting through the Netduma.

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Why does my R1 WAN IP change back and forth from to whenever I reboot it?

I just rebooted again to check, and now it is



Also, if the WAN IP is changing like that it means the Netduma isn't in the main router's DMZ since you can only assign 1 IP address to be in DMZ. I would pick one, and set it on the WAN page of the Netduma and then add that IP to the main router's DMZ. It won't keep changing and it will ensure you always have an open NAT.

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Well the xbox speedtest is horribly inaccurate... Go to http://www.dslreports.com/speedteston your wired PC through the netduma and post your results. If you're not getting your full speeds through the Netduma then something is configured wrong.


Also, to get the best results everything should be connecting through the Netduma.

As the Drill Sgt from Forrest Gump said, "You're a God Damn genius!"


I plugged my PC into the R1 [never done that before] and let the R1 do it's Auto Settings thing.


Now Xbox and PC are going thru the R1.


My PC speed is 296dn/29up w/ 12ms ping! [using DSLreports]

My Xbox speed 285dn/25up, [w/ R1 NOT enabled] but still get 198ms ping and a strict NAT. 


The high ping must be the Xbox servers!

Any more suggestions, I'm all ears!


Thanks for all this MoD BoX!

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Also, if the WAN IP is changing like that it means the Netduma isn't in the main router's DMZ since you can only assign 1 IP address to be in DMZ. I would pick one, and set it on the WAN page of the Netduma and then add that IP to the main router's DMZ. It won't keep changing and it will ensure you always have an open NAT.

I'll check this out as well!

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The Xbox test pings a server far away which is why the ping is high so I wouldn't worry about that as it doesn't have any bearing on what your game ping will be. 


If you're in bridge mode or still on DMZ thats great. Disable UPnP/port forwarding on your modem/router. Disable UPnP forwarding in settings > miscellaneous. Have UPnP OR port forwarding enabled on the duma, not both.


Sounds like MoD BoX has answered all your questions! Let us know if you have any more :)

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