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Home Alarm - Port Forwarding with Virgin Media

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I've been using my Netduma for three months and have been really happy - thanks for a great product.


Recently I changed my internet provider to Virgin Media's 200Mbs service. Obviously I am impressed with the speed and Netduma's congestion control and host filtering makes every game of COD "buttery smooth" no matter what the rest of my family are doing.


However - I'm having difficulty setting up the port forwarding for my Home Alarm. We have an alarm security system for our house, which can be set from the panel at our front door and bedroom or via an app on our phones. In order for the app to work port 10001 needs to be forwarded to a fixed IP address on our network: (which is the fixed IP address of Texecom Alarm).


The port forwarding was working perfectly with Our BT Home Hub 5. I had the port forwarding set up on both the HomeHub and the Netduma (one of these must have been redundant) and had put the Netduma in the DMZ of the HomeHub.


When we got Virgin media, I simply swapped out the BT HomeHub for the SuperHub 3 and put the SuperHub into "Modem Mode" (as described in other forum posts). Everything on our network is connected to the Netduma and the Netduma is on the only thing connected to the SuperHub. However the connection to the alarm is not working.


I have assumed that by putting the SuperHub into Modem Mode that everything is connected "Straight Thru" - is this correct, or do I need to configure some port forwarding on the SuperHub? I can go to cmd on any of my PCs and successfully ping the alarm at so I know that it is still connected to the network correctly and the alarm works perfectly from the panels as normal.


Any advice here would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance.

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