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Is the Netduma worth it for me?

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I am posting this because I am looking for some feedback for my personal situation and if it is worth the $200 for the R1. I have researched about the R1 and the things it can do with the great software it has. I understand what these services do and how they can help but I already have a great connection and rarely any issues. I play CoD BO3 on PS4. I play competitive matches on Gamebattles and UMG. I have a FTTH (Fiber To The Home) connection with 250 Mbps Up/Down. Great ping times and little to no jitter. I am quite intrigued with networking and always trying to ensure the best possible connection for myself. I know the R1 can really help with public matches but will it help me much in private matches? I play on my PS4 directly wired to my ONT (Optical Network Terminal) which is also a router with a CAT6 cable and all necessary ports opened. I use my own personal router (Nighthawk R7000) for Wi-Fi for all my other devices in my household. I don't have many devices or people using my connection to overload it while gaming. With all of this being said would the Netduma R1 be worth it for me? Thank you in advance for the feedback!  :)

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I am posting this because I am looking for some feedback for my personal situation and if it is worth the $200 for the R1. I have researched about the R1 and the things it can do with the great software it has. I understand what these services do and how they can help but I already have a great connection and rarely any issues. I play CoD BO3 on PS4. I play competitive matches on Gamebattles and UMG. I have a FTTH (Fiber To The Home) connection with 250 Mbps Up/Down. Great ping times and little to no jitter. I am quite intrigued with networking and always trying to ensure the best possible connection for myself. I know the R1 can really help with public matches but will it help me much in private matches? I play on my PS4 directly wired to my ONT (Optical Network Terminal) which is also a router with a CAT6 cable and all necessary ports opened. I use my own personal router (Nighthawk R7000) for Wi-Fi for all my other devices in my household. I don't have many devices or people using my connection to overload it while gaming. With all of this being said would the Netduma R1 be worth it for me? Thank you in advance for the feedback!  :)


Congestion control is always nice to have, but with 250 up/down and very little network activity then maybe not... However I have used mine while playing gamebattles to find people playing in a NA ladder when they are in France. So I used the screenshots of their locations on the map as proof and we won the dispute because of it. It's a nice informational tool to see which host is going to be shitty and if you're playing decent people they will switch hosts upon your requests before the game starts.

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Hey, welcome to the forum! 


If not many people are using the internet when you are then congestion control may not help as much here. Though even web browsing can cause mini spikes which could be the difference between life and death, however with your bandwidth that shouldn't affect you too much. 


Public matches yes the Geo-filter will get you much more local hosts so you'll have a lower ping than allowing the matchmaking to place you on a server. With private matches you can't do this as you already have predetermined opponents. That's why congestion control is most useful here but again you may not need it too much. 


So it's probably not necessary for you at this stage BUT if you are obsessed with making your connection as good as possible then that is what we guarantee. Also as Red said we have a huge upgrade coming out in Autumn which will be amazing.

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