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Sudden packet loss in CS GO for last 2 weeks

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Had my Net Duma for many months and everything been all good.


Last 2 weeks i've had 20- 30% loss spikes on cs go every night making it unplayable.


Had BT check my ADSL line and everything seems good on there end. Reset my line profile. Reset my router etc.




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Try downloading pingplotter.com and ping a server's ip that you are seeing the packet loss on... Then ping and see if you see the same packet loss... If so it's a line problem, if not it's the cs go servers

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I had a similar issue a few weeks ago.  Trying different settings did not seem to help.  I did a factory reset and started over.  Since then, it has been playing very well.   If all else fails, try doing  a factory reset and reconfiguring the Netduma.  


TIP:  If you make a backup profile when your Netduma is working, it makes it easier to setup after a factory reset.  

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