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Problems with Connection? WTF Moments

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Well it could be for a few reasons but it would help if you told us what game,

What you consider sky rocket values are.

Is this in game ping meter or on the R1 ping meter.

Have you tested your isp line with ping plotter etc etc.

A bit more info might help.

If it is blops 3 you are talking about they have been experiencing server issues for the last few days across platforms.

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So I coming to believe it's jitter that is affecting me. I never ever have a smooth ping while in game from the r1 screen.

It will jump from 10 ms up to 50 ish.


In game while playing as soon as there is action "me in a gun fight" my ping jumps up to 50 ish. Why me. I'm so frustrated with this shit. I swear it's my cable company.


Duma guys please help!!!!!

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Have you run a diagnostic on your line yet?  We recommend downloading and running www.pingplotter.com and taking two samples with it for us to review for you.


Sliders at 100% for this test.  Make sure the laptop/device you are using isn't in Hyper Lane or anything to help assist the test.  We want this to be bare bones.


1) Take a good sample of at least an hour or so during the middle of the night when everyone is asleep.  This will MOST LIKELY* be the best condition for the lines in your area.


2) Take an equal sample of of your line during PEAK TIMES, like right after dinner.  This will be harder as we would want you to NOT use the internet during this time to get the best possible comparison.


The difference between the two will tell you/us if you are fighting a bigger problem of Jitter and line problems like over saturation from your ISP.


Personally my cable line, provided by Compost/Xfuckoff was a nightmare for gaming.  Once I switched to an ADSL line, gaming on Black Ops 3 improved dramatically and my older P2P games like BO2 played even better.

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"Your own internet for gaming" - Please explain


The laptop won't affect the game, well unless I am reading this wrong as it's in General Support.  Is this a PC version of the game?

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I have optimum online from Cablevision. I swear it sucks. Ever since I started playing cod mw3 I always knew something wasn't right.


Okay, not familiar with that model specifically.  But I can tell you this, if you house is using that one service for gaming/internet and TV, it's a shared path.  That means the return path (leaving you and heading out into the world) is also a shared path.  This is a terrible model for gaming and why so many of us have found problems with Cable TV based architecture.


If you have that one service to your house, and you have a line dedicated to your room for gaming, you don't actually have a dedicated line.


But running Ping Plotter can help assess some of that for you. :)

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I have my own dedicated line from the splice box out in the street. "Underground " I work with high voltage. lol.


If it's a cable tv line, you CAN suffer from the same effects that I am explaining.  I worked in Cable TV for over 15 years and did another 8 plus with the power company, so I think we can speak some of the same language when we get the terms the same. :D

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So what do I do? I can't get fios. Not in my area.


We don't know there is a problem yet.  Download Ping Plotter and let's test the line to see. :)


But in most cases you can get a DSL/ADSL line for gaming, and if it's only you using the line without a ton of streaming or giant downloads like torrents, you can totally get by with an entry level package from those types.  That is what I did and it made a big improvement.


Having said that, even the big gun slayers in the #DumaArmy are reporting problems with the servers over the last few days.


EDIT:  I have modified the title slightly to get some other eyes on this to see if they have anything to share, but my vote is to test the line condition and see what you are working with here.

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Getting ready to leave work, so I will be out for a bit.


The program defaults to Google, I believe, but it has been giving weird readings lately, especially in the UK.


I would ping Twitter's main page or Amazon, something that you know is large enough to afford good quality shit as it's their life blood.  Use the same settings for both runs so we have an even baseline to compare to.


Good luck and hopefully both samples have very little deviation, because then we know you have a good line and can work on some further refinements.  But first, let's make sure you aren't fighting a monster that is sitting out on the street fucking up your day. :)

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