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  • Netduma Staff

Dedicated Servers do not necessarily have the best connection, since they could be located further away than other hosts. Their purpose is to always be available to connect to - in case there are no other hosts.

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So is the dedicated server meant to be the best connection at all times?

Short answer HELL no,some dedi's play fine others play terrible.Always remember that when you play on dedi's it's not just one it's an entire bank of them.IMO the best way to go about finding out which ones play best for you is to write down the ID's of the dedi's and then how the game played for you after,of course this is all trial and error.And your gaming can be influenced by others in the lobby as the duma can't control who else connects to the dedi you connect to.


But after some time you'll find out which deci's play better for you and those are the servers I'd game on.

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