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Question with Host Filtering!

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So after doing a 1-on-1 with fraser I finally have my speeds off average 550+ and upwards of 775+. I am happy with these even though I pay for the 1gb (have never been able to get the full 1gig, closest ive come was 920) bu thats another story with my ISP lol.


Anyways, I ALWAYS have the host filtering up on another tab (use google chrome) my question is, there any way to have the host filtering constantly running in the tab? Anytime I switch over to ban / allow players it takes a minute or so to "resume" the information from my new group I am playing with, or I have to completely close the tab and reopen the QoS panel.


Any way to have it constantly active and switching when I enter new lobbies and not that stutter time?

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Are you on the most recent firmware version (.6)?

Because my host filtering is on the same page as 'temp ban' ban so you can just scroll down the page and then back up again.


Unless you mean the 'anti-cheat', where it takes a minute or so to forget the previous participants in the lobby.

You could try unchecking 'show dormant hosts', that might make them disappear faster.

Changes to the Geo Filter can take up to two minutes to take effect.


I disable 'auto-ping host' as well and just manually click on it when I want to ping or rate the server. I find the auto-ping takes longer to get the info that I want.

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Correct on the most recent firmware, havent tried just scrolling up/down, I usually have been clicking somewhere on the page to see im "active" on the page.


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

The 'Host Filtering' is always running (assuming 'enabled' is checked), even when you're on another tab or if you have logged out of the router admin and closed the browser window.


I meant that the 'temp ban / rating' section is on the same page as the Geo Filter, all together this is the 'Host Filtering' page.


And it takes a couple of minutes for any changes to take effect due to the 'anti-cheat' (so you can't kick people from the lobby).

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