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Stuck at Moderate NAT type in BO3 PC -- Can't forward ports

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So my NAT type is still at Moderate no matter what I do. I've tried everything mentioned in Netduma support, and tons of posts about PC port forwarding across the web. ISP hub is a Netgear B90-755025-15 with AT&T firmware. This specific firmware has no options for DMZ or anything of the sort, and even trying to forward ports is a convoluted process. I'm pretty sure the problem lies with the ISP hub as I've used an identical model in the past before getting the R1 and had trouble with port forwarding even back then.


My setup is ISP hub > Netduma R1 > Wired into PC. My speeds are 5mbps down and 0.5Mbps up. Netduma firmware version is 1.03.6g


The ports I've tried forwarding (on both the Netgear and Netduma & separately) are:

3074 UDP&TCP

3478 UDP&TCP

4379-4380 UDP&TCP

27000-27050 UDP&TCP

1116-1150 UDP&TCP

28910 TCP

5165 UDP

27900-27901 UDP


But I've used a few different programs that claim to check for open ports and apparently none of those ports listed are actually open. I've also tried disabling Geo-Filtering in the R1, enabling UPnP in the R1, etc. and still no luck.


Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll provide any additional info if needed.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum :) Can you forward 1024-65535 TCP &  UDP. Remove all port forwarding from the Netduma and enable UPnP on the Netduma - disable UPnP on the ISP hub if the option is available. Finally, reboot both the ISP hub and Netduma. When loading up the game, ensure that the GeoFilter is disabled.

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Hey, welcome to the forum :) Can you forward 1024-65535 TCP &  UDP. Remove all port forwarding from the Netduma and enable UPnP on the Netduma - disable UPnP on the ISP hub if the option is available. Finally, reboot both the ISP hub and Netduma. When loading up the game, ensure that the GeoFilter is disabled.

Just tried it and it's still at Moderate =/

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  • Netduma Staff

Is there any sort of modem mode on the ISP router? Are you sure the ports are being forwarded to the correct device? It sounds like the ports for some reason aren't being opened up to the Netduma.

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Is there any sort of modem mode on the ISP router? Are you sure the ports are being forwarded to the correct device? It sounds like the ports for some reason aren't being opened up to the Netduma.

Maybe this is user error on my part? I'll upload some images and maybe you can point out where I'm going wrong.


That image is from the screen where you create the process for forwarding and I've been putting 7 as the LAN Port number. Should I put a different port number?


And that image is from the screen where you enable the process. Should I put the address of the Netduma in the empty field? As you can see, nothing appears in the dropdown box for LAN device.


Thank you for the help by the way, networking definitely isn't my forte

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  • Netduma Staff

That all looks ok apart from the LAN port. Try entering the Netduma's WAN IP (found in device manager) into that field. Remember to reboot them both before re-testing for an open NAT :)

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That all looks ok apart from the LAN port. Try entering the Netduma's WAN IP (found in device manager) into that field. Remember to reboot them both before re-testing for an open NAT :)

Do you mean to put the Netduma's WAN IP into the field from the first image or second image? The LAN Port box in image #1 won't let me enter anything other than numbers (no periods/dashes), so I'm not sure what to put there

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I think Lan port stands for Base Host Port (enter the first port to be forwarded). For example: start port 1024, end port 65535, Lan port 1024 (first port to be forwarded).

Correct me if I'm wrong!!!

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Have you done this?  In the service list, the drop down box. Your custom service you made will be on the list, most likely the bottom and will have a * in front of it.

Select it in the list and click enable. You have to do that after you do the custom service step.

Once you make the custom service you have to then enable it.

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I think Lan port stands for Base Host Port (enter the first port to be forwarded). For example: start port 1024, end port 65535, Lan port 1024 (first port to be forwarded).

Correct me if I'm wrong!!!

I'll definitely try that out and see how it goes, thanks! Yes, the second image in my earlier post is the screen it takes you to once you click "Enable Custom Service"

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