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configuration ping rate settings don't correspond with game ping results

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After completing step by step setup, including connecting to another router within network, making the netdurm rourter solely for Xbox. 85% traffic, disabling all other devices except one laptop that I gave 15% just for accessing the router. Set radius at 500 km and ping 35. That was the last configuration I tried after failing using the recommended settings from the manual.


The diagnosis tests showed excellent on all areas with ping average 14.


During the game the ping jumps all over 50, 100, 400, lag seems to be prevalent. The game is hard wired to the router not through WiFi.


Watching the router during game play showed pings fluctuating 50. 40, 60 but the game showed different results. Could not see any hosts on the router maps like it wasn't connecting to the game even though the service was set Xbox. The manual showed the disable label that was supposed to show under the service but all I saw was an enable option with a check box to enable which I did not check so I assume it is disabled.


Is it possible the router is not setup properly? Is there a history option to review the ping as well as the other players and hosts on the map to determined if the settings are even working? Wouldn't I see the triangles and red indicators? There is no activity on the map except myself.


The only other device available onthe router is the laptop which uses the other router with very little traffic. However when testing the router with the laptop even with adding more traffic for the laptop, the wireless network kept crashing. Couldn't keep a connection for more than 10 minutes. Works fine connected to a different router.

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I think the image in the showing the 'disable' button may be out of date as of the latest firmware.

Assuming that you're talking about the 'Select Games / Services' at the top of the Geo Filter, you need to check 'enable' or the Geo Filter will be disabled.

If you do actually have it enabled but cannot see any 'hosts' or 'blocked hosts', are you perhaps zoomed out too far? Or maybe you have not set your 'home' location correctly?


The in-game ping graphic in BO3 on Xbox One is not accurate for me but if even that is showing that your ping is all over the place then you should look into your line (your ISP) to see if that is functioning correctly.


Yes, it's entirely possible that it is not set up correctly. But without having any details of your setup and settings it is impossible to diagnose.


If you need support on a specific issue, read this so that you can provide the required information.



Welcome to the forum by the way :)

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Thank you for the quick reply. The reason I left the service disabled (didn't check the enable check box) was my interpretation of the instructions. I was typing this up and I see the instructions for the service says its for show hosts so I found where I made one mistake I thought it was for the service itself not the show hosts. I don't remember now if the show host is disabled or not but I did not enabled the filtering.

Make sure that the button under the device says 'disable' and that 'show hosts' is ticked.


When I get back to it I'll do so but can you review the rest please?


I was considering doing a firmware upgrade. I don't think its the ISP because when running diagnosis on the router the results were excellent and the ping rates were consistently 14. Plus the laptop kept getting dropped connections actually crashing my wireless. I had laptop set at 80% when testing this. Put it back to 15% for when the laptop was in use for router config.


Here are the settings


Bandwidth 100 down, 25 up

Fine tuning bars 90%

Xbox 89% traffic laptop 15% all other devices blocked

Nat open under and tested game is showing open Nat

Since router is connected to another router I added the IP Comcast modem during the regular setup processed I didn't encounter any errors or issues


The services are Xbox os then Xbox live then call of duty public match

My home appears to be set correctly with a 500 mile/kilometers

Ping assist 35

Peer to peer unchecked


Thank you just reviewing again I think I found the main problem.

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Normally you should always update the firmware. BUT DO NOT UPDATE IT NOW unless you are on .05 already. If you are on a lower firmware version than that you must follow this link or you might brick your router http://forum.netduma.com/topic/11018-major-netduma-upgrade-now-available-v-1036/


Sounds like you have the Geo Filter turned off then, check 'enable' and 'show hosts' and you'll be golden.


I leave everything 'reset' and 'shared' in the device prioritisation.


Everything else sounds ok but...

I don't know what options are available on the old firmware because my Netduma came with the current version of the firmware already installed.


You should probably get your firmware up to date but follow that link first, it might resolve your wireless issue.

I'm not much use to troubleshoot wireless anyway as I have an additional router as a wireless Access Point.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!


You can check your firmware version by scrolling to the bottom of any page on the duma but sounds like you're on the latest version if you have the enable check box on Geo.


Follow this to see hosts on the Geo-filter http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_can_t_i_see_anything_on_the_geofilter

If enable is not checked the the Geo-filter is disabled, make sure this is checked. 

You mention another router, you setup should be ISP hub (no devices connected) > duma (all devices connected) otherwise the congestion control will not work correctly.

For wifi disable wifi workaround in miscellaneous settings.

Put anti-flood to 70/70, reset device prioritisation and ensure share excess is enabled.

I would change your radius to 1000km, 500 is a bit too small.

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