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PNP connection from ISP

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I really want to buy a netduma r1 to play call of duty in UAE as I believe it will help a lot due to geo filtering. But I recently learned that my ISP Etisalat in dubai has given me a plug and play(pnp) connection with which I can only use their shitty dlink router. They are doing this with all customers who upgrade ir take new connection and there is no way around it.


Only thing that they say is that if I wanna use my own router I can only use it as an access point.


I found on reddit a way to make asus routers work with this pnp connection. So my question is that  will I be able to do the same with netduma if I buy it. And also if it is not possible then will the geo filter function work if I use the Netduma as an access point.




waiting for ur reply



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Hey, welcome to the forum!

If you plug directly into the modem can you get internet? If so then you should be able to plug the duma directly into it. 


Otherwise connecting to dlink should be fine just connect all devices to the duma. 


If all devices are connected behind the duma yes it will work. 


It doesn't have AP mode specifically but you should still be able to use it just fine :)

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