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Geofilter problem

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Lately I have been experiencing an issue were I use the GeoFilter I get kicked from every game.  If i don't use the filter I can play.  


  1. firmware  1.03.6
  2. speed test with the R1 are about 300 down and 450 up (Netgear 800-900 down and 700 up).
  3. setup: internet port > Netgear Nighthawk > R1 >ps4
  4. The issue is when I use the Geofilter I am unable to play BO3.  I get a message stating that I either lost connection to the host or PSN servers. When I do not use the Geofilter the game runs fine. 
    1. ​I also noticed that when the in-game connection would have my ping drop to 0, but on the R1 it will still display the ping as if I am still connected to the server (when using GeoFilter).
    2. Currently I am getting a NAT Failed on my PS4

​Has anyone else had this problem?


Thank you,


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A LOT of people have been experiencing problems with Playstation Network connection issues in BO3.  It was really bad about 1-2 days ago.  My friends and I still occasionally get them.   They don't have Netdumas, so it is a PSN or BO3 server issue.   

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It seems to be a comb of issues.  The servers on Bo3 are just bad right now (77pings even when I live near by).  But one thing that I have noticed for some reason the R1 wants to keep going into Strict NAT type.  

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A LOT of people have been experiencing problems with Playstation Network connection issues in BO3.  It was really bad about 1-2 days ago.  My friends and I still occasionally get them.   They don't have Netdumas, so it is a PSN or BO3 server issue.   


Good to know, thank you!


It seems to be a comb of issues.  The servers on Bo3 are just bad right now (77pings even when I live near by).  But one thing that I have noticed for some reason the R1 wants to keep going into Strict NAT type.  


Is your console open in network settings? DMZ, port forwarding done etc?

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A LOT of people have been experiencing problems with Playstation Network connection issues in BO3.  It was really bad about 1-2 days ago.  My friends and I still occasionally get them.   They don't have Netdumas, so it is a PSN or BO3 server issue.   

I think it is a server issue for BO3  because BF4 and other online games haven't given me any trouble. 

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