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FIFA Disconnecting

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I keep disconnecting from FUT almost every game it's really strange. Managed to get near perfect lag free games using the Netduma but over the last week or so I've been disconnecting mid game 75% of the time. 


At first I thought it was the opponent quitting but I've realised it's not that. It suddenly pops up that the game has disconnecting and I don't get the win or the loss and I can't figure out what the hell is causing it. 

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Does it still happen when you turn the GeoFilter off completely?

When you test this: turn off the Geo, then reboot the Netduma (from Misc Settings) and reboot your console last.

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Nope still doesn't work. It's actually throwing me off the EA servers now so I'm getting defeats instead of it being no result. 


Played a few more and haven't finished a game tonight, played 8 games today and 7 have disconnected at some point during the match. 

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Since this started happening have you tried without the Duma in the loop, so we can tell if it is a setting or something else?


Because if your internet is dropping out momentarily (on the line itself) and then you're getting booted because of that then no amount of tinkering with settings will resolve it.

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I was gonna try a factory reset today to see if that fixed it? 


I play multiple games... UFC, GTA, FIFA, and Call of Duty but none of the other games disconnect me, it's just FIFA and it's never when I'm in the menus it's always during a game. 

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If your other games are fine and you're dropping out of games even with the Geo-filter disabled then that leads me to believe it's an issue with the game as Geo off it just acts like a normal router. 


According to downdetector it looks the game has been having problems last few days.

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I was gonna try a factory reset today to see if that fixed it? 


I play multiple games... UFC, GTA, FIFA, and Call of Duty but none of the other games disconnect me, it's just FIFA and it's never when I'm in the menus it's always during a game. 


Ok, thanks, that's good know.

This is very strange though and I've got no idea what could be causing this.


(I know that's not helpful to you but I just wanted to show that I had read your post and hadn't just given up).


As Fraser said, I've also read a lot in other forums about Fifa issues lately - something to do with a suspected 'routing' change.

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It's not something I'm desperate to play every day. 


I'll give it a miss for a week or so and see what it's like after that. Cheers guys.


Can you let us know back here when you had a chance to try it again please?

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