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Ps4 AW server


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Has anyone else noticed there appears to be a UK dedicated server on the south Coast for PS4 (maybe even xb1).


I connect to the same server (circle location a lot) at different times of the day.


Just wondered if anyone else has noticed this.

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If it plays fine, don't worry about it.  Like I mentioned in the "coal mine" section, the only thing I care about is gameplay and latency.  I could care less where a server shows up in my geo filter, as long as game play is good, I'm happy.  A lot of server locations is depended on us "canaries" posting the approximate location of where we think it is when we ping the server and it's a high ping. 

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I wasn't worried about it, just thought it interesting if there was a dedicated in the UK.

Dedicated servers here in the states has been horrible.  People complaining about how dedicated servers are life savers don't realize that they actually are making game play worse.  Only people with Duma routers know the true story and location of these dedi servers how P2P hosting is better in certain situations.  The only thing that killed AW on any system preference is the SBMM that Sledgehammer implemented.  If there were more dedicated servers thru out the regions...than maybe dedi servers will work, but here in the US, Iv'e only seen a handful of dedi servers spread out in the states to handle traffic.  Maybe they should put a dedi server in each state!  LMAO!  Than maybe I wouldn't complain.

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