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Trouble connecting to friends on xbox and dropped wifi

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I recently purchased a netduma router and I am already having trouble with it. It is currently hooked up to the modem. The problems I am experiencing are that I cannot connect to my friends and my friends cannot connect to me. I have looked through other forums and found similar posts and tried the recommended way if fixing the issue but was not able to fix it. However, when I switched back to my old router everything worked perfectly. I have tried turning off the geo filter but still cannot connect to them. Also, another problem is my wifi keeps dropping and with me in school and rely heavily on wifi it is really annoying and it is affecting my school work because I cannot have a reliable connection. I contacted a representative about returning it but was sent here instead.  So what can I do?

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Hey, welcome to the forum!


If you are disabling the Geo-filter then it acts like a normal router. It sounds like the issue you're having is to do with NAT specifically. What is the model of your ISP hub/modem/router? You may need to put the R1 in the DMZ. You can see here about opening your NAT http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=how_do_i_open_my_nat


Once you get an open NAT as indicated by your console network settings (NAT type 2 is open on PS4) then you'll need to add your friends to the allow list so you can still connect to them when the Geo-filter is enabled http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=adding_friends_to_your_allow_list


For wifi disable wifi workaround in settings > miscellaneous.

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