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Anyway to downgrade software?

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Hi guys,


is there anyway to downgrade the netduma software? the reason why is since upgrading to the latest version 1.03.2 My ping assist is not working and struggle very much to find games, I turned off my geo filter and went into a friends game and he had his netduma geo on, he has the 1.02.7 version. his ping assist works perfectly and we instantly got put into a game, also He had many circles on his geo filter and at the same time had had next to none. 

I run ping assist at 40ms and strict mode on, he had his ping assist set to 20ms and strict mode on when we tried his.


Please help.

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As far as I know it is not possible to downgrade the firmware. I'm sure there will be a way to fix your ping assist though :) 


Just to test that your ping assist is definitely not working, put your GeoFilter down as small as it will go and ping assist all the way up and see if you connect to any loves and if you get the ping assist symbol - this would be a good way to confirm weather it is working or not.


If it it isn't working, try a reboot - reboots usually fix issues.


Hope this helps you out a bit :)

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Hey crossy! 


I have tried your suggestion and no luck at all, see the pic attached. I sat and waited for a good 10 minutes and no change at all, like i said my friend who has the previous version invited me in his lobby and his ping assist worked perfect, I have factory reset 2 times and still no joy :(.


Thanks for your help mate :).


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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Pro,


No you can't downgrade, but that won't have anything to do with ping assist not working.


Can you go to "Settings > Misc" go to cloud settings and click apply. It should have autocloud ticked. Thanks

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok can you take a picture of the top of the geo-filter where the services are and post here please. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok that's a bit odd but it should be fine. Can you restart the game fully please and put your home in the sea then search for a game and see if you get any hosts with ping assist set to 300ms.

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Hi Iain,


same again, I have reset the game and waited 5 minutes and then retried the search and still no joy, as I said my friends is working fine, I have all the settings the same as I have before but The ping assist just appeared to stop working around a week or 2 ago, since then I have struggled to find games and when I do they have not been good.


appreciate your time :)


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Guest Netduma_Iain

How come we can see circles outside your filter?


EDIT: Sure no problem pro, I'm going to go to sleep now though. I'll continue to help in the morning mate.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

One last thing mate


In the picture it looks like your geo-filter is disabled. That would explain why ping assist is not working. Can you cycle through the xbox live PA service for the wired xbox. I.e. disable it, wait a few seconds then enable it. Then switch off the game for 5 mins and try again.



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Hi Iain,


I have done as you suggested last night and I am still having the problem. as you can see I am having next to know hosts showing anywhere, my ping assist is set at 300 ms and sat there for a good 5-10 minutes without one lobby being found, I am pretty sure this is showing my router is not working correctly? as I have said when I turn off my geo filter and my friend host a lobby with his geo filter on and set PA to 25ms we are in a game instantly, he also sent me a picture of his geo filter and it showed loads of host to the point the uk was not visible but when I looked at my geo filter the exact same time I only had a small few hosts showing on my world map.

I have also factory reset twice and still no joy :(.


UPDATE: hi Iain another very strange thing is when my geo filter is on and I have my home location set in the ocean at 111 KM with ping assist set to 300 ms, I get 100% packet loss when I do a detailed network test on my xbox one, but as soon as I disable my geo filter I get 0% packet loss, I have tried this now by turning the geo filter on and off 3 times and the packet loss was at 100% everytime my geo was on :/


Thanks again :)


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Guest Netduma_Iain

I don't think its broken Pro, because I know how it works behind the scenes. It cant just break like hardware its just a bunch of mathematical equations. Ping assist is not a guaranteed thing its just there to assist. You're not supposed to use it the way you're trying to its meant to only assist the geo-filter not replace it.


Can you also post an Internet Diagnose test please. Also what ping's are you getting when you get in a game? Thanks


Are you available this evening/afternoon and we can double check for you.

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I have the internet diagnose results here, The ping I average is around 20-30 ms in game (my actual ping when I ping to www.bbc.co.uk is 17 ms), I am just a little confused as to why My friends PA works but mine appears not to, and plus when I have my geo filter set to the UK and try to search for games, I will have a pad lock sometimes appear in the USA and when I do a ping to it the graph shows it  around 30 ms, My PA is set to 50 ms as you suggested before but It still will not allow connection to it. I am available any time today when is best for you?. 


I am sorry if this is extra work for you and I am sure you are busy so honestly if you need me to wait for a better time that suits you its no problem at all :).


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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks for the info & patience Pro. Are you sure your friend is getting ping assisted hosts? Can he post a screenshot here please.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Can you try the same settings please and see if you get those dotted outlines outside after playing for a while please. Also can you go to cloud and tick bleeding edge and click apply as well please.

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Can you try the same settings please and see if you get those dotted outlines outside after playing for a while please. Also can you go to cloud and tick bleeding edge and click apply as well please.

Hi Iain, I have had the exact same setings as he does, I have just ticked bleeding edge cloud and applied it so now I will see how it goes for an hour or so and report back to you :).

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Hi Iain, with bleeding edge cloud applied my geo filter appears to be infective, this screenshot was taken just after the end of a game, I was connected to a host in the US with a ping well over 100 ms, as you can see there are no nuclear signs either to show the PA is working. 



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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Pro, I'm sorry but I have to go now. I don't have remote access for over a week now as I'm off to the gadget show.


GF should be working for you now. Can you also reset the "Device Prio" in congestion control and see if that helps with ping assist. Cheers 

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Hi Pro, I'm sorry but I have to go now. I don't have remote access for over a week now as I'm off to the gadget show.


GF should be working for you now. Can you also reset the "Device Prio" in congestion control and see if that helps with ping assist. Cheers 

No problem, geo filter takes ages to find a game as I have said before even with range at more than enough, I see big circles in side my range but still get constant lobby booting. I have to have my geo range set so far its pointless at times as the pings are so high, anyway hope the week goes well at the gadget show :).

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