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host jumping when games starting


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hey guys im having a problem with the host jumping from within my set distance in the geo filter (set to 1500km )once a game is starting it always seems like its jumping to the same place(5000km washington state usa)(im on the east coast) and has been doing this for 2 days any advice? it worked fine prior 

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Im also having a similar problem.  For the last 2 days or so, when I untick strict mode, I keep jumping to the exact same host outside my geo filter when the game starts.  I live in China and I have my filter set at 1200km.  When searching for games, I see some potential hosts in china, but once the match starts loading it always without fail jumps outside my geo filter to this host in Japan.  Same host id and location everytime.  The strangest thing about it is that I cannot rate this host.  For this host, the update button in the rate host area never shows up.  So I have no way of rating or denying this particular host.  Any ideas why this is happening?  I would like to be able to search for games with strict mode off sometimes as it is easier to find matches, but whenever I do so, I keep getting this same host outside my filter and the ping is unstable.  I have played around with ping assist settings and even set it to 0 and same result.

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I really don't think I am qualified to answer as I am still trying to understand everything myself, but from what I can gather, ping assist prioritizes ping above the geo filter radius, allowing you to connect to hosts outside your geo filter that have a decent ping.  This is because sometimes hosts may show up in the wrong geographical area.  When strict mode is enabled, you can only connect to hosts within your geo filter.  To be honest, Im really not sure how ping assist works.  I have mine set to 30ms, but when I connect to hosts outside my geo filter the ping shows way above 30ms usually around 200ms or above at times.  So maybe im misunderstanding how ping assist works.  Best to wait for someone qualified to reply, as I am not. 

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I think what is happening is just as the game starts it migrates you to a dedicated server/host. If you cannot rate or upgrade the host then it is a dedicated server. Try setting your PA to around 30 - 50 and tick strict to see if that helps.

Strict limits the hosts you connect to to either within your geo filter range or within what you have ping assist set to.

It may take a little longer to find a game though.

If the game you are playing is Advanced Warfare I would also say that from personal experience even a low ping to host will not mean you have a great game all the time but I have found around 80% of the time it is much better with good hit detection etc.

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I'd keep strict ticked,what I do with mine is set my location to where I live,I then put my radius to 2000km and set PA to 0 with strict on,usually finds around around 5 potential games but all inside my geo filter.

I'm in Sheffield UK so it may different for you guys depending where you are but worth a try Hope tgis helps

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Guest Netduma Luke

If you are unable to rate the host it is because it is a dedicated server.


The host jumping at the start of the game is unusual and will be on the AW side. As Benormous recommends, try searching with strict mode ticked and see if you have different results. 

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hey guys im having a problem with the host jumping from within my set distance in the geo filter (set to 1500km )once a game is starting it always seems like its jumping to the same place(5000km washington state usa)(im on the east coast) and has been doing this for 2 days any advice? it worked fine prior 



Im also having a similar problem.  For the last 2 days or so, when I untick strict mode, I keep jumping to the exact same host outside my geo filter when the game starts.  I live in China and I have my filter set at 1200km.  When searching for games, I see some potential hosts in china, but once the match starts loading it always without fail jumps outside my geo filter to this host in Japan.  Same host id and location everytime.  The strangest thing about it is that I cannot rate this host.  For this host, the update button in the rate host area never shows up.  So I have no way of rating or denying this particular host.  Any ideas why this is happening?  I would like to be able to search for games with strict mode off sometimes as it is easier to find matches, but whenever I do so, I keep getting this same host outside my filter and the ping is unstable.  I have played around with ping assist settings and even set it to 0 and same result.



it is very strange i hope they have a fix for this issue because i am steady gettin that host with a bad ping.

another thing how exactly does strict mode work and the ping assist?



I really don't think I am qualified to answer as I am still trying to understand everything myself, but from what I can gather, ping assist prioritizes ping above the geo filter radius, allowing you to connect to hosts outside your geo filter that have a decent ping.  This is because sometimes hosts may show up in the wrong geographical area.  When strict mode is enabled, you can only connect to hosts within your geo filter.  To be honest, Im really not sure how ping assist works.  I have mine set to 30ms, but when I connect to hosts outside my geo filter the ping shows way above 30ms usually around 200ms or above at times.  So maybe im misunderstanding how ping assist works.  Best to wait for someone qualified to reply, as I am not. 



I think what is happening is just as the game starts it migrates you to a dedicated server/host. If you cannot rate or upgrade the host then it is a dedicated server. Try setting your PA to around 30 - 50 and tick strict to see if that helps.

Strict limits the hosts you connect to to either within your geo filter range or within what you have ping assist set to.

It may take a little longer to find a game though.

If the game you are playing is Advanced Warfare I would also say that from personal experience even a low ping to host will not mean you have a great game all the time but I have found around 80% of the time it is much better with good hit detection etc.



I'd keep strict ticked,what I do with mine is set my location to where I live,I then put my radius to 2000km and set PA to 0 with strict on,usually finds around around 5 potential games but all inside my geo filter.

I'm in Sheffield UK so it may different for you guys depending where you are but worth a try Hope tgis helps



If you are unable to rate the host it is because it is a dedicated server.


The host jumping at the start of the game is unusual and will be on the AW side. As Benormous recommends, try searching with strict mode ticked and see if you have different results. 


So everyone knows, I quoted everyone... When you're playing on dedicated servers the lobby in AW is a player hosted lobby. Once you're at the map loading screen it "hands off" the game to a server. You can see this happening very clearly and it happens every time you play on a server. There's no way around with the router. However what I found to work well is to set strict mode on, your filter to about 500 km, set ping assist to 35-40ms and then it will only find decent servers to play on. This may increase search times for games though. Remember that the location of the host circle on the map isn't necessarily the real world location (probably due to safety reasons as well as other things) and that's why ping assist was invented. To find the servers that you ping really well to (I ping 20ms to most servers I play on) yet they are located on the map thousands of miles/km away.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Shane & Jus if you have:

  • Strict mode ticked
  • Ping assist set to 0

Then you'll never connect to hosts outside your geo-filter. However I recommend having ping assist set to at least 50ms so you can find servers outside your distance that have low pings(because they are probably in the wrong location on the map).


Jus are you in mainland China? We like to keep track of where the routers are purely for curiosity & its cool to see where its ended up.  

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Thanks guys for the advice and help.  I didn't know about the dedi servers. 


I tried it again in strict mode and I now no longer connect to that same dedi server in Japan.  I have strict mode on and my PA set to between 30-50ms and I now only get hosts within my geo filter.  It was working great last night.  It takes a while to find games but when I do my pings are much better than before. 




I spend most my time between New York, Hong Kong and Shanghai.  I am currently using the router in Shanghai where I spend most my time.  You don't know lag until you have played in mainland China, its on a whole other level.  The router is a much needed purchase to enjoy gaming here.  I was having some trouble with the router at first, but now I think I figured out the optimal settings and it seems to be working well for now.  However I did notice one issue.  For the past few days, Ive noticed that when I first log into AW I can find lobbies fairly quickly even with strict on.  I will see several hosts in the mainland, but then I'll stop after about an hour to take a break and come back on in a few minutes and all of a sudden I cannot find a single host in china anymore and I cannot get into any lobbies.  Is it something with the router u think? if its not it would seem all the china players just decided to stop playing at the same time.  Also I cannot use the internet diagnosis function.  Nothing happens when I press the run test button. 


Overall though, I am having a very positive experience with the router.  I can actually enjoy playing FPS shooters now thanks to you guys. 

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i will also try the same thing tomorrow thanks for the help guys i also second what jus said about when u first start playing it seems to find alot more games faster then after i have been playing for a bit this may just be in my head

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When I'm searching for a game usually groundwar xbone it's will say 0/2 potential games found,at this point I will immediately stop the search and then restart the search and it will come up with 5/17 potential games,may be worth backing out and researching just in case you are sitting in the same search lobby if it's AW you play it does that to me everything I play not sure why but may be worth a try

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Really cool Jus, I'm jealous of your travelling lifestyle. Shane & Jus can you try what Ben said and just restart the search.


On the dedi servers, it appears to be the game works. Very cool that in China you get peer hosts, I assure you many people here will be jealous of that.

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