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NetDuma - router works, software doesn't...

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok, I think this is a web browser issue not a router issue. Next time the monitor freezes, just refresh the page and does it start working again?


If so its most like your adware, anti-virus on firewall on your PC that is causing the problem. A few other people have had this issue. 

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Ok, I think this is a web browser issue not a router issue. Next time the monitor freezes, just refresh the page and does it start working again?


If so its most like your adware, anti-virus on firewall on your PC that is causing the problem. A few other people have had this issue. 



Negative Ghostrider.


1. Refresh does nothing. Clearing cache does nothing. I'm a web dev by trade, so I know more than basic troubleshooting.


2. I'm on a 2013 iMac with 32GB of RAM. So no adware, AV or firewall is active, nor any there any hardware limitations.


3. Tested concurrently on Chrome, Firefox and Safari...same result.


4. Also tested on MacBook Pro, Win 8 VM, Win 7 PC...same result.


It's just happened again. Same solution - WAN > Apply > Graphs reboot.


And...it's happened yet again. I'm looking at 5 web browsers on two Macs. No adware, no firewall, no AV. All stalled on Network Monitor.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok cool,


Can you take a screenshot of the console on chrome please. So Right click > "Inspect Element", then select console. Cheers! 

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The unmatched IP referred to in the Console is a Synology NAS on a static IP.


I included the Download graph in the screen-grab to show the stalled behaviour.


[edit] Just refreshed and checked Console again. Graphs still stalled, but the unmatched IP this time refers to a R1 DHCP-assigned IP Not sure that matters, but worth mentioning.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

ok great we have got to the bottom of it. I will look into why our code is not recognising that static IP. In the device manager do you see the said NAS server?

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ok great we have got to the bottom of it. I will look into why our code is not recognising that static IP. In the device manager do you see the said NAS server?


Jumped the gun. I edited the post -


[edit] Just refreshed and checked Console again. Graphs still stalled, but the unmatched IP this time refers to a R1 DHCP-assigned IP Not sure that matters, but worth mentioning.

The NAS may be one of the 7 "unnamed devices" I don't dare rename (yet), so I can't tell at a glance.


Neither (Synology NAS) nor (AppleTV2,1) are listed in Device Manager, nor are their MACs in DHCP Lease. However, both have previously detected on the R1 before a Factory Reset.

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ok great we have got to the bottom of it. I will look into why our code is not recognising that static IP. In the device manager do you see the said NAS server?


Hey Iain do you think this might be related to a similar issue I reported ages ago where a fixed IP printer wouldn't show up in device manager but would if assigned by DHCP.  In the end I left it as DHCP and assigned it a DHCP lease to get the IP I wanted.




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Guest Netduma_Iain

Good point Akic, thanks for reminding me.


Antithesis can you give any static IP devices a DHCP lease using "Settings > DHCP Lease". Then selecting the device and giving it a fixed IP, preferably something below 100 so it doesn't conflict with anything else.

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Good point Akic, thanks for reminding me.


Antithesis can you give any static IP devices a DHCP lease using "Settings > DHCP Lease". Then selecting the device and giving it a fixed IP, preferably something below 100 so it doesn't conflict with anything else.

I can't see any static IP devices listed in DHCP Lease, nor should I as they're all out of the DHCP range at less than 100.


I've done another Factory Reset as neither the Synology NAS (.11) nor the AppleTV2 (.148) were showing in Device Manager, but both were flagged in the Console as errors.


Since the reset, I can now see all 6 Static IP devices listed in Settings > DHCP Lease. None of them have IPs within the DHCP's range of 100-250.


Do you want me to check the Reserved box, then assign their matching static IPs to the octet in Host Number?

e.g iMac's last octet is .2 - should I add 2 to the Host Number in DHCP Lease?


I've also powered up every networked device in the house (that I can find...3 or 4 to go), they're appearing in Device Manager, have been renamed, and are listed in Network Monitor. With 32 devices, I've run out of colours ( ;)) but there are no Console errors cropping up at the moment.


Is the assumption here IP conflicts in the R1 DHCP?

Could that explain the Apple Extreme issue (DHCP Lease conflicts)? 

Am I best to reserve all Host Numbers in DHCP Lease to prevent future clashes?


I reckon that's pretty close to the mark and potentially explains all issues. I'll leave the LAN in status quo for a day (Lease is set to 12 hours on R1), reserve all Lease IPs (pending reply), then fire up the Extreme. Any residual DHCP stuff on the Extreme should be well and truly clear by then, even though it's been set to Bridged for 5 days and the Lease was set to 1 Day. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yes I would recommend anything that you had as static before, be given a lease IP. To avoid conflict with automatic I would recommend giving it one below 100. That should help with the issue mate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thought I'd post a quick update...


Three weeks on and the R1 is performing swimmingly. My issue was wholely and solely caused by plugging the ethernet cable from the WAN port of the AirPort Extreme into the PoE port of the R1. I got a bum steer there - in bridged mode, only use the LAN ports of the Extreme.


The only problem I'm having is drop-out of the UPnP network monitoring in PeakHour 3 on OSX which I use to track my internet quota. PeakHour's logging seems to work for a few hours for the R1 before dropping the Up, Down or both. A quick router reboot solves the problem before invariably popping up again.


Any chance of implementing SNMP into the router? Not essential by any means but every little bit helps.

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Erm it looks like quite a simple package to install. I've got quite a bit to do in the next 2 weeks. Could you remind in 2 weeks to add it to an update. Thanks :)

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Lovely jubbly.


While we're at it, any chance of a drop-down (or buttons...whatever) In Congestion Control to quickly change between saved configurations?, e.g. Gaming = 70% / 70% / 40  on Flower Chart for console of choice, and Sharing = 100% / 100% / even distribution.


It saves a bit of mucking around for tweakers, and it'll help the masses understand Congestion Control a little better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Erm it looks like quite a simple package to install. I've got quite a bit to do in the next 2 weeks. Could you remind in 2 weeks to add it to an update. Thanks :)


Psst...it's been 2 weeks. How's the SNMP package coming along? ;)

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Sorry anti-thesis barely anything techwise has been done as we're moving to new office at the moment. When I get Internet hopefully tomorrow I'll get a software management web interface up so everyone can see what we're working on and we can get some sort of schedule going.

Sorry for the delay.

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Sorry anti-thesis barely anything techwise has been done as we're moving to new office at the moment. When I get Internet hopefully tomorrow I'll get a software management web interface up so everyone can see what we're working on and we can get some sort of schedule going.

Sorry for the delay.


Not a problem Iain. Just following through, as requested :)

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