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That UK dedi is awesome after patch, well for tonight anyway


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As you know I'm a 1kdr kinda guy, my last 5 games on UK dedi say otherwise.

Never had 5 games in a row like that I'm stunned

Remember i said this early yesterday morning :) so its not just me then, thats great news. I think its actually got even better today im get 15ms on that south coast server its wicked :)

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Remember i said this early yesterday morning :) so its not just me then, thats great news. I think its actually got even better today im get 15ms on that south coast server its wicked :)

The best Ill ever get is about 30ms as that's what the last mile is to my house, I'm a long way from the box so to speak.

I do remember you saying and me rushing off to get the update, then I had physio urghhhhhhh

It was quite funny after the 2nd or 3rd game I didn't want to play in case it broke and went back to being awful, lol

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Well i just read the update list and we was right :) they optimised connectivity and other stuff i will post the update list in General section for you to read, btw im getting 15 and below now on that dedi :)


UPDATE: HERE'S patch notes m8.

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How do u attach pictures to your posts

In the reply box click on more options bottom right then scroll down and there is a attach files button press it and attach your pic :)

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Good to hear toby, I suffer with the one on the German/Netherlands border. Still only getting dedi's. It selects player host then right at the last minute switches to a dedi but if it stays like it did last night Ill be more than happy.

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been getting the dutch one quite a lot lately, i find it plays noticeably better than the french one so i'm never too bothered about getting it tbh.


i was partied up with a clan mate in the midlands this morning and i think he must have been host because even when we left a lobby and started another the circle didn't move. Strangely the french server kept trying to take over just before the start of a match , everytime it's circle got bigger it shrunk back down again, not seen that happen before.

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