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refund request

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  • Netduma Staff

First of all I've moved this to the support section of the forum. Secondly, for returns you should email [email protected] but maybe you could explain exactly what issues you are having. Usually problems are just misconfigurations and can be solved fairly quickly.

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  • Administrators

Hey, welcome to the forum! 


It sounds like you don't have the router set up correctly. Specifically the not being able to connect to people can be solved by reading this http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=adding_friends_to_your_allow_list


Post the screenshots from here and we can help further http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructions


If you email without going through support they will refer you back here so best to just start with your issues as I'm sure they are easily resolvable.

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I appreciate it fraser but crossy i wasnt even mad when i posted this but reading the response from crossy made me a little mad your response sounded very rude dont like that at all I watched all the intro vids and asked my friend his settings and it was giving me problems so you should watch how you word things cause i was extremely excited for this router when i ordered it i even got express delievery and havent had good results with it then someone gets rude with me when i post something about it 100% dissatisfied now 

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alot of people get fed up with the r1 before its set up properly but its great once it is, BUT you shouldnt even buy the router before first making sure your internet works fine

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