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Major Jitter Issue


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Hey guys. I love the product and have been using it for a while now! The major issue I find is a lot of jitter on COD AW on the Xbox One. Here are a couple of screen shots of my settings and the jitter. My bandwidth is 60 down and 4 up, using the Reactive setting. I've played around with the congestion control as I have a lot of stuff connected to my router, but there doesn't seem to be a setting that I can find that works best. I've had this issue quite a bit with the dedicated servers. I'm not sure there is anything I can do as it may just be an AW problem. But any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more info please let me know. Thanks guys!



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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi mate,


We need to find the cause of the jitter. It could be 3 possible things:

  1. Other devices or people you live with causing it
  2. Your connection itself
  3. The remote host

If you can lets try rule out number 1. If we can't congestion control will be the solution. If at all possible go to "Device Manager", click edit then block every device other than your console. Play the game and let me know if you're seeing high jitter or if it goes away.



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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok if its other people or your WIFE we can fix it. However those huge spikes, I reckon it could just be one off. But lets cross that bridge when we come to it mate

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Best thing to do is keep the router in your office (man cave) and when SHE gets online and messes things up... disconnect what SHE is connected to.   When SHE yells, "What wrong with the internet"  You yell back "I am looking into it".... 

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Thanks for your willingness to help Iain.


I did a little more testing last night with different congestion control settings and I believe i've narrowed it down to that particular server having an issue.


I set my DL and UL to 60% and gave my Xbox One 60% of the resources. This seemed to work very well when I first started playing last night and I had a smooth 35 - 40ms ping (which is good for me, I can feel a major difference once the ping reaches 45 and above) on a server that looked to be close to Georgia. As soon as I got moved to the server shown above, the jitter spikes came back. I had changed nothing in my settings and my wife had gone to bed so it wasn't her haha. 


Does anyone else have experience with this dedicated server for AW above? My apologies for the zoom level but it looks to be in the Washington D.C. area. 


Also, I live in Vermont which is in Northeast US but I moved my home towards the middle of the US and have found a couple of good dedicated servers there.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ahh that does sound like a remote issue. In the next version there will be ids for hosts so you can identify them

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