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Can't connect to XB1 BO3 servers

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Does anyone know why I can't get on the BO3 servers when I'm hard wired with the netduma router to my XB1? When I disconnect the netduma and go wireless I can connect to the servers. I never had this problem before and it's really frustrating.

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 This is an odd one, wish I could think of something...


 First thing I would do, is when you are connected wire, what does your bandwidth in game happen to say?  and when wireless what does your in game bandwidth report?


 I know when you are wired, your xbox will use a certain mac address, and when you go wireless, it changes. In the Netduma, the xbox will show up as a different device, meaning you'd have to set it up in your filters again, seperate from the opposite connection. For example, when mine is wired, the Netduma gives it a certain IP adress, and when wireless, I have to set it up again and it takes on a different IP address unless I manually setup DHCP and assign it the same myself. Perhaps this might be something to do with the problem? Just throwing stuff out there.


Usually as a last resort with issues like this, I'd factory reset my Netduma, and start over. Not suggesting that, just saying that's what I would do.


 I'll be paying attention to how this plays out, hopefully an easy explanation and fix.


 Good luck

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 Re-read your post again.


 Just to be certain, how are you running your home network?       Modem>Netduma>all other devices?   Or do you have another router in the chain?  


I now get the impression you are running   modem>some wireless router> Netduma>Xbox1.   You are not using the Netduma for your wireless devices, just using it to wire to the xbone.  



 Do you happen to use a Gateway modem provided by your ISP?  If so I'm guessing it's not in bridged mode...?  List your setup and I'm betting somebody can figure this out pretty quick if it involves a gateway or a second router in the setup...

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Good suggestions to start.  I think the poster needs to be more clear about what is happening.  Are you able to play BO3 games (p2p), but just not on dedicated servers?  If so, it is a geofilter issue.  Make sure the geofilter is disabled when the game starts up and that your bandwith is not capped too low.  Quit and reboot the application with Geo off, then wait at the loading screen (squatting w/ 2 guns) until the numbers in the top right change.


If you cant connect to the game servers at startup, then I agree that it is worth trying the suggestions above.  You should set up static IPs for both wired and wireless MAC addresses of your console.  Then you can set up port forwarding rules for whichever one you are using. Then go to settings/upnp and disable it, click apply, then reenable it and click apply to clear it out the existing port reservations and reactivate.   When you reboot the console, the R1 will claim port 3074 (UDP) for the active console connection at startup.  It will then claim port 3075 (UDP) when you start the BO3 application.  Those are the bare minimum that you need.  The rest of the necessary ports are worth inputting in the port forwarding section to reserve them for the correct console IP. Again, you should wait until all of these steps are completed to activate the geofilter.  Then test your ability to play on the servers again

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Does anyone know why I can't get on the BO3 servers when I'm hard wired with the netduma router to my XB1? When I disconnect the netduma and go wireless I can connect to the servers. I never had this problem before and it's really frustrating.

I have been having this same problem for days and havent been able to get any answers. I posted it on a seperate thread

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becaufe your host filtering is not activated when you are in wifi because the IP exchange and the service too.
enlarged your local geo circle and sat on table 50 with your cable xbox



sorry my english is shit

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I have the set up like this Modem-Netduma-everything else. I had a problem with my modem so I factory reset it then I was able to get on but after four games I got kicked offline again. In the beginning I can't play online p2p at all. I'm thinking maybe I should factory reset the Netduma but will I have to reinstall its latest firmwares that I installed on it? I'm not that knowledgable with portforwarding and all that technical stuff you guys were talking about so I'm lost in that department. This just started happening like a month ago and never had a problem before that.

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I have the set up like this Modem-Netduma-everything else. I had a problem with my modem so I factory reset it then I was able to get on but after four games I got kicked offline again. In the beginning I can't play online p2p at all. I'm thinking maybe I should factory reset the Netduma but will I have to reinstall its latest firmwares that I installed on it? I'm not that knowledgable with portforwarding and all that technical stuff you guys were talking about so I'm lost in that department. This just started happening like a month ago and never had a problem before that.


Sorry for the late reply. You can factory reset the duma and it will keep your current firmware. If you're worried about losing settings such as your allow/deny list save a profile and load it after factory resetting. 


Disable your Geo-filter before booting up the game, are you able to connect?

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I did do a factory reset of the netduma and you're correct it kept the firmware and also fixed my problem. Now I'm also able to get on the BO3 servers as well. Maybe I messed with a setting I wasn't supposed to? Oh well everything is fine now thanks for your input everyone.

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