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Ingame lag, even though i have a consistently low ping on the geo-filter.

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Hey, there.



As i've been gaming a bit of FIFA16 on my PS4 lately, i've seen slow gameplay combined with delay, even though the latency on the geo-filter shows 45(which is good for me, as im from the Faroe Islands,) and i don't know why that is, so i would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me a bit.



I am on NAT3, as i cannot seem to get this Technicolor tg789vn3 to put the router into DMZ properly, so i don't know if that might be an issue. 


It has been fine for the most part since i got the router, but now i've noticed the "slowmotion" more and more - with the consistently low and stable ping, ofcourse.



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Yes, i have the hyper-traffic enabled for my PS4 ;)




I WILL give the above suggestion a try right now, then i will get back to you guys with the results later. 



Crossing my fingers here, Crossyy :D





I could get it from 1024 - 21000 on both.   

Some port inbetween there that it wont let me use.    

But if i pinpoint the port, do you think i could do from 1024-21300  and then from 21302-65535, for example?  


The first time it didn't have a problem generating the ports, but after i started changing them down bit by bit i couldnt put it back on the original value of 65535, because it said it was too high, so i put it 65534 instead, then it could regenerate the ports heh..  jesus christ, this is a weird router :P


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I can add the DMZ into the netduma, but it doesn't always register.
When i want to assign a static IP address on the netduma, it doesnt always work, so i have to give it a few tries.   Sometimes the Netduma hasn't even shown up on the dragbox of available choices for the DMZ.   

True garbage imo ;) 



Im on NAT type 3 regardless if i have DMZ(public ip address as it's called on the Technicolor) enabled or disabled. same thing with UPNP on/off on the Technicolor etc :/ 



So, to clarify:  It's enabled at the moment, but i don't see any benefit of having it on at this moment in time since im still behind NAT type 3 :P


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Can you not input the WAN IP from device manager manually?


Here is what I would try:

  • Console hard turned off
  • R1 in DMZ
  • Turn off all port forwarding/UPnP on Technicolor
  • UPnP enabled on the duma
  • Geo-filter disabled then boot up the game

Hopefully you'll have an open NAT on console network settings.


If not, 

  • Enable UPnP forwarding in misc settings
  • Set static IP for your console. 
  • Manually port forward the games ports as well as console ports needed
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Can you not input the WAN IP from device manager manually?


Here is what I would try:

  • Console hard turned off
  • R1 in DMZ
  • Turn off all port forwarding/UPnP on Technicolor
  • UPnP enabled on the duma
  • Geo-filter disabled then boot up the game

Hopefully you'll have an open NAT on console network settings.


If not, 

  • Enable UPnP forwarding in misc settings
  • Set static IP for your console. 
  • Manually port forward the games ports as well as console ports needed








I have UPNP disabled on my Technicolor

I have UPNP enabled on my R1, UPNP has also been enabled in misc, i just assumed they should both be on.

R1 is in DMZ, but i still get that message in "device manager" - might not have taken the correct effect?




I've tried with portforward instead of UPNP, but it's the same result.   


Im gonna try with UPNP off in misc now.



I have static IP on my PS4 already. I tried with auto IP, but it didn't work then.  That was around 1 month ago when i got the router.



Lan settings>DHCP has always been enabled.  Should it even be on?  Will my router need a reboot once a week if it is set to 7 days lease time etc? 




I cannot put it in DMZ manually in the normal section under "home network>assign public ip address to a device," it's just a dragbox, and it shows the MAD addresses of the devices available at the time.


There's a section in the firewall settings that's called DMZ, but there are 5-6 dragboxes with different options available - i think i tried sending you a few SS of that before.


If i've had the firewall disabled and it still didn't work, then it possibly can't make a difference if i do it in the firewall settings, right?


But ty for tips ;)

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Sorry for the late reply.


The box in device manager will still show as you're connected to a router - nothing to worry about.


DHCP will be enabled yes, no it shouldn't need to reboot.


You can use the MAC address of the router, it's on the back of the router but as a rule it starts with E so use that and then it should work.

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hi again! 
Moved to another house, and they have the same type of router. 


When i tested the internet connection on my PS4 it showed NAT type 2.  

Then i went into the router and had a look, and it showed UPNP and Extended Security on the Technicolor both ON.


I tried turning both off, tested the internet connection on my PS4 and it said NAT type 3.

I turned both UPNP and Extended Security to ON again, tested internet connection and it said NAT type 3 still :/ 

Can't seem to get it back to NAT type 2 by just undoing what i did earlier Oo


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Just so you know, NAT Type 2 just means you're connected behind a router and is essentially an open NAT :)

Power off both your hub and your Netduma. Power up the hub and after a minute, power up the Netduma.

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