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Play Ark survival

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Hello, whenever I try to play Ark it get an infinite loading screen. My friends who don't have Netduma's can connect. Is there a way to fix this? I have my Geo Filter on but I let it accept the whole world. I still cannot connect, any advice? Thanks for the help! I should mention sometimes I can get in. I have to keep reloading the server though.

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You have probably already figured this out but a server is getting blocked.  This game is not officially supported.  You are going to probably have a setup a meeting with Fraser and get the game supported.  Are you able to get online if you disable the geofilter. If so I would recommend it until you hear something from Netduma.  

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Hey, welcome to the forum!


The game is not currently supported as said by Buck, would recommend disabling the Geo-filter for now. If you can provide me with any IDs that were appearing as blocked when you couldn't connect that would help get it supported

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Also even when I have it disabled its the same I still don't get in all the time


If it's disabled and you can't get into a game that would indicate an issue with the server as there is no blocking, it's just acting like a regular router

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